I’m not blaming immigrants at all. I’m blaming chineses. It’s their culture bud. There are thousands of years of written records for that country, and buying/stealing land is pretty much the only cultural constant over every dynasty, warlord, or ruler you care to read about. Mao, despite killing millions with ballslapping ignorance, was one of the first to seriously go after landlords. Unfortunately, money always wins so now they’re back to everybody gotta get theirs first. The world is a zero sum rock as far as most people are concerned, there and here.
There is no fault. Lmao It’s about money. It’s always about money. And it turns out chineses are real good, culturally, at making money. Something about having few qualms about where it comes from. Its almost funny being able to see a 100 story high-rise from a village that would be third world by any standard, but its actually sad. But that’s just the chineses, doing China things. It’s only been that way since the Han dynasty, if not longer.