“Hiking wages” is a hell of a spin, friend. Do you care to defend that position?
Oklahoman. Same here.
Calm down, Carl. Some of us already live here and would prefer it if he didn’t make it worse thanks.
I dont think thats new. I havent fucked with windows in like 3 years and I remember also being annoyed by that.
I absolutely hate this. Upvoted.
I don’t go to church alot, but when I do i attend an Episcopal church with two reverends, one gay, one a woman. They sell shirts in the gift shop that say things like “I’m Episcopalian because it’s okay to believe in dinosaurs”.
True that. He is an attention whore and a cultist. He also has more business savvy than most.
Got it. That makes way more sense. Thanks for taking the time to explain it.
That’s interesting. Would you please further explain the clothes shopping thing? Is it that it is rude for a shopkeeper or, say, the people you may be shopping with to say anything except “That looks great on you”?
Good synopsis. Well written.