Who wants to bet Sony will shoehorn in a PSN requirement just to play a single player game?
Oh wait, it says so right on the requirements image in the lower right corner. Colour me shocked.
Who wants to bet Sony will shoehorn in a PSN requirement just to play a single player game?
Oh wait, it says so right on the requirements image in the lower right corner. Colour me shocked.
So the gunner is the first to get cancelled? Huh. Figured it would be the driller.
What’s going on in your screenshot? Where’s the gunner? Or is this a joke I’m not aware of?
I’m enjoying it so far. The new mobs are fun and mix well with the others. The new cave type for the morkite seed missions is confusing though, I keep getting lost in them. Hopefully they’ll start making sense soon.
Now I want to see a glyphid grabbing a cape and dragging off a dwarf.
This is a beautiful song.
I think it’s the description that’s confusing. These hackers are getting in and writing their own prescriptions from the way it sounds. They then fill these prescriptions at regular pharmacies, or sell the prescriptions for a buyer to then get filled.
Can’t read the whole article though without signing up, so maybe it’s something different.
Get 2 smaller stones. Put them down in front of the boulder. As you push the boulder up, kick the stones along with it, so that the stones would hold the boulder in place for you. Get to the top, and get hit by lightning from angry gods for your impudence.
You want to get the Breach Cutter, with Return to Sender overclock. Every time you fire it, it’s just chef’s kiss.
If you don’t want to get close, use the Shard Diffractor. Melt anything from any angle, it goes through armor.
That would be so much fun, and so chaotic, to take more dwarves along.
Damn fester fleas, almost as bad as those robots.
Season 5 teaser confirmed.
I was surprised when she brought up Mortal Kombat as an example of over sexualized characters, and not, say, the entire Dead or Alive series. Especially Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball. She does make some good points in her video, and I don’t want to dismiss her point of view, but I feel she took the easy way out in addressing this point.
Games, and movies and tv, have treated women as sexual objects for a long time, and now the pendulum has swung the opposite way in reaction to that. It’s going to take a while for games, and movies and tv, to allow for better perspectives on women. I think the indy scene is where we will find this happening before we ever see it in the major studios, since the latter has to worry about limiting risk and making investors happy. But hopefully the recent flops will be a shot across the bow and wake them up.
Except for that, this was a good video. She lays out her arguments well. I don’t agree with every point, but I understand where she’s coming from and can respect her point of view.