It matters because you can get used games for sometimes a tenth of the price they charge on the digital store.
It matters because you can get used games for sometimes a tenth of the price they charge on the digital store.
Was it? You were in an open environment and you could do the opponents in mostly any order.
Scratch that. I guess I’m think of post game when you can replay the battles.
New tab tools.
You can even do a trick to make it your home tab
I do mine from home assistant. I can leave location services, Bluetooth, and wifi, all on without worrying about battery life for the whole day.
Ok. I did not see what you meant.
I have a home zone that triggers things. I don’t think location services uses enough battery for me to worry about
Cell towers are not wifi, but I think I understand what you mean.
It’s so hard to complete your Pokedex these days
I plan to live forever or die trying
Do you have a link to a track ball mouse as an example of what you mean? What do you think are the pros and cons of using one?
The sequel Fade to Black was too clunky to enjoy. I never played the remake but I hear the remake is getting a sequel, so I might pick it up.
My favourite was Flashback. Kind of the spiritual sequel to Another World. I had the SNES version. I think it’s my all time favourite video game.
It wasn’t the tank controls per se. It was the tile based actions. Tomb Raider was basically a 3D Prince of Persia game. If you’re running and you press the jump button, the character would jump the next time to got to the edge of the current tile. It was a very deliberate and measured way to plan your moves.
They did that with Tomb Raider, but ironically the obtuse controls were pivotal to the game design.
Patents don’t protect art
Edit: ok, apparently “prior art” might be a phase in US patent law. I don’t quite understand what it means. In my country patents protect functions, not expressions of ideas (art)
So, just like FFXIV?
You are conflating copyright and patents. Copyright is protection for the expression of an idea, like the art design. This is a patent issue, which is a protection of how something works.
If somehow I patent a vague mechanic like “a method of selecting weapons with the directions of an analogue stick or mouse, presented as an 8 direction on screen circle.” Then I could sue Red Dead Redemption and Batman Arkham, despite there being no copyright infringement with whatever game I made with that feature.
The production values are good, and it’s generally entertaining, but I just can’t cope with the gaps in logic and the seemingly deliberate attempts to make it conflict with the Alien films.
I’d rather re-watch the Red Letter Media review than the film itself.
It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times!?
Because touch screens are cheap and put the onus of design onto the programmers of apps.