Dark Arc

Hiker, software engineer (primarily C++, Java, and Python), Minecraft modder, hunter (of the Hunt Showdown variety), biker, adoptive Akronite, and general doer of assorted things.

  • 101 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Dark ArcAtoTechnology@lemmy.worldRust is Eating JavaScript
    12 days ago

    But they are not the default option. And your new job may not use them.

    Who cares if it’s the default? If it’s the best tool, use it.

    It’s silly to have a reason for “going Rust” be the build system, especially in the context of something as new as a WASM context where basically any project is going to be green field or green field adjacent.

    Exceptions is a non standard exit point. And by “non standard” I’m not talking about the language but about its surprise appearance not specified in the prototype. Calling double foo(); you don’t know if you should try/catch it, against which exceptions, is it an internal function that may throw 10 level deep ?

    And that’s a feature not a bug; it gets incredibly tedious to unwrap or forward manually at every level.

    By contrast fn foo() -> Result<f64, Error> in rRst tell you the function may fail. You can inspect the error type if you want to handle it. But the true power of Result in Rust (and Option) is that you have a lot of ergonomic ways to handle the bad case and you are forced to plan for it so you cannot use a bad value thinking it’s good:

    You can do this in C++ https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/expected (and as I said, if you feel so inclined, turn off exceptions entirely); it’s just not the “usual” way of doing things.

  • There are some really great changes in this!

    • Melee Tools will cause more damage to Targets, and there are more in-world melee weapons spawned near Boss Target lairs again.
    • Pull-out damage from stuck projectiles is back up to a meaningful level of damage. We’ll talk about how this affects Traits like Blademancer and Berserker at a later time.
    • We refactored the poison damage system to prevent issues around the effects not disappearing correctly.
    • Hanging chains and other sound traps will no longer block attacks during combat.
    • Concertina wire should no longer damage players through walls and ceilings.
    • Weekly Challenges are now coming in random weekly sets to reduce the chance of individual weapons dominating entire weeks.
    • Players can now disarm and pick up Dark Dynamite Satchels, storing them back in their inventory (if they have a free slot).

    Between the above (there’s more in the post these are just the “biggest things for me”) and some of the UI updates they posted about recently … I’m super excited for the next update!

  • On some level … because it often doesn’t matter. Most people just buy the game and if it doesn’t run well enough for them refund it under steam’s 2 hour window. Even for Windows this is an issue because of the large variety of PC hardware; you might have a chip that’s new but weak (kind of like buying a new Kia and expecting it to compete with a new Corvette).

    On another level … because you’re using hardware that’s over a decade old. What you really want for Linux gaming is either a Steam Deck or a desktop PC with an AMD GPU. If you have to go with a laptop, I’d probably look at the Framework 16; definitely no modern Macs because the ARM chips are pretty hostile to Linux and especially Linux gaming.

  • Dark ArcAtoTechnology@lemmy.worldRust is Eating JavaScript
    14 days ago
    1. It’s statically compiled and isn’t dependent on system binaries and won’t break if there if the system has the wrong version like C/C++, allowing you to distribute it as a single binary without any other installation steps

    You can do that with C++ too.

    1. Still produces fairly small binaries unlike languages like Java or C# (because of the VM)

    I mean, the jars are actually pretty small; but also I really don’t get the storage argument. I mean we live in a world where people happily download a 600 MB discord client.

    1. Is a modern language with a good build system (It’s like night and day compared to CMake)

    Meson exists … as do others.

    1. And I just like how the language works (errors as values etc.)

    Fair enough; though why? What’s wrong with exceptions?

    I work in a code base where I can’t use exceptions because certain customers can’t use exceptions, and I regularly wish I could because errors as values is so tedious.