I don’t want to keep feeding OP’s unhealthy arg paranoia, but I’m pretty confident this is a real company. The catch being if they really do know Gabe or he at least knows of this company and they are half life fans, it’s entirely in the realm of possibility they are working with Valve on a legit arg. Not saying valve owns that company, in fact the opposite, but I also definitely believe an arg is still a very real possibility and something valve would do. They did call out Gabe after all.
TLDR: op is not paranoid but the company is real and working with Valve on an arg because they’re fans of the half life series but they’re still a bioengineering company IRL.
So that’s great, but halo IMO is the least FOMO inducing mp game on the market with battle passes. You can actually “equip” the season pass you want to level and work on it, the best thing is they never go away so there’s literally not a single bit of FOMO, only the illusion. Regardless, I see your point for the other games and I commend you for making the change.