Don Antonio Magino

De Hoog-geleerde Dr. Antonio Magino, proffesoor en Matimaticus der Stadt Bolonia in Lombardyen.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I’m not sure what you mean here. As far as spelling goes, Dutch is far more consistent than English.

    You’re mentioning some none-standard Dutch which is often perceived as incorrect (and it is indeed according to the rules of the standard language norm). Yet, if you were correct in your claim that ‘groter als jij’ was ‘never proper Dutch and sound[s] wrong to every native Dutch speaker’, no native Dutch speaker would ever use ‘groter als jij’. Native Dutch speakers do this often, though, and have been doing it at least since the seventeenth century (eg. this quote from 1670: ‘Zy [de vrucht ”Peci”] is niet veel groter als een kastanie …, vol sap en aengenaem van smaek: herder dan een gemeine appel, en een weinig zuurachtig,’ - ‘It [the fruit “Peci”] is not much bigger than a chestnut …, full of juice and pleasantly tasting: harder than a common apple, and a bit sourish,’).

    Sorry to have gone so off-topic here, though.

  • I dunno. I don’t really ‘feel’ Reddit being much different to 2023. Well, beside from some of my favourite niche subs not being the same because the mods felt strongly about the API protests.

    There was r/TheDonald before, too. That was much worse than r/conservative, I’d say. And the big general bullshit subreddits were filled to the brim with nonsense before 2023 as well…

    I’m glad to have Lemmy as an alternative, though.