I remember watching debunking video of this years ago. If I remember right, the problem was how to stop a projectile (a rocket in this case) from spining once it’s released. I need to find that video …
Subjective answer but if I were in your situation: me and King going alone? No. If I don’t like the person, then I don’t like the person, I’m sorry. Social gatherings are fine and I’d do my best. But going somewhere for hours with a person I don’t like sounds like a nightmare.
There are a lot of favors I’d do for my kids but there’s a limit and for me as an introvert this is the limit
small tasks that you don’t expect to grow in complexity
On one conference I heard saying: “There is no such thing as temporary solution and there is no such thing as proof of concept”. It’s an overexaguration of course but it has some truth to it - there’s a high chance that your “small change” or PoC will be used for the next 20 years so write it as robust and resilient as possible and document it. In other words everything will be extended, everything will be maintained, everything will change hands.
So to your point - is bash production ready? Well, depends. Do you have it in git? Is it part of some automation pipeline? Is it properly documented? Do you by chance have some tests for it? Then yes, it’s production ready.
If you just “write this quick script and run it in cron” then no. Because in 10 years people will pull their hair screaming “what the hell is hapenning?!”
Edit: or worse, they’ll scream it during the next incident that’ll happen at 2 AM on Sunday
I love how UK has so many of these weird traditions that just went too far and now everyone just feels bad to stop it
I guess I went full circle since I returned back to classic ones. I used electric one for years but suddenly I started to feel with my tongue that it didn’t do good job. Changing the head didn’t help. My dentist was also surprised but she suggested to try to use also classic one when I finish with electric. And voila, it really did the job. To this day I’m not sure what happened …
So true, put this on a tea cup!
Unpopular opinion but wine.
From my experience majority of people can’t distinguish between 5€ wine and 500€ wine. And even if they do, they say it tastes “a bit better”, not worth the 495€ difference. Pick one that tastes good to you and don’t be ashamed if it’s cheap.
I’m not a US citizen but I’d say if you don’t like US overthrowing governments all around the world, then you should be double concerned it happening to your country. Those data are really powerfull tool for such thing and they have been used for it in case of Brexit. It’s quite shocking to compare a foreign superpower with an advertising company and put it on the same level.
It’s NOT Lupus
A classmate of mine from elementary school is a professional voleyball player. She traveled the world, played for teams in Europe, Middle east and Asia. Eventually she settled in the exact same village as me on the completely oposite side of the country from where we grew up. I didn’t even know until my wife told me that one of our neighbours was born in the same town as me
Sure but … it can’t beat the ‘Bollywood’, am I right? /s
When it comes to Christmas movies my most favorite ones are:
I see it’s from 2021, I’m surprised this isn’t used as a meme template (or at least I haven’t seen it)
I’m with you but I get it that sometimes it’s convenient. My wife likes what we call “cup recipes” in baking where everything is measured in cups/glasses (this was a new thing couple of years ago where I live). It’s very fast and convenient.
But yes, it gets out of hand. I mean “a cup of celery”? … How? Why?
9gag, they also have 816. Is this where the screenshot is from?
Citroen Saxo, everything was SO cheap. I remember I had to replace a side mirror and a new one was like … 30€? And I was able to do it myself.
Replacing a side mirror on my Octavia was almost 500€!
My car doesn’t want to pair with my smartphone :'(
I had to logout and login again on Boost for Lemmy because I was getting HTTP 401 when I tried to comment. But now it works 👍
AI generation can be used for disinformation which can literally destabilize or right away end the world as we know it.
But fake Taylor Swift pictures, this is where we draw the line …
Yeah :( As @dunz said, I always try to find the original source but apparently Nemi’s source is their Facebook. And thanks to fantastic Facebook design it’s virtually impossible to find it there