And considering there’s so many new accounts, its not like one can go back and check the post history to see if what they’re saying adds up.
There were accounts, posting seemingly “up to date” information with no way to really fact check. There were some political “personal” accounts just testing the waters with BS. Stuff like: “It’s me. I’m not going to say anything else yet, but, here I am.” It made it kinda hard to discern.
If Trump somehow can eliminate taxes on social security, the fund will have to reduce benefits sooner than projected. The cut will only benefit 40% of recipients that pay taxes, and that lack of extra funds comming into the system will bring it closer to insolvency, sooner rather than later. So unless your brother is one the 40% that will immediately benefit from the tax cut, he’ll get to look forward to lower payments sometime in the nearer future.
You’d be surprised how a pokemon go player will open the app in the middle of the wilderness, even with one questionable reception bar, just to see if there’s a secret rare pokemon that lives there. Bonus if you get a postcard from a pokestop someone submitted, because that trail mile marker is “special.” You can keep it for memories, or send it to a friend you’ve never spoken to, for bragging rights. It’s also not unheard of, for people to crawl through backroads in their car, since the app won’t let catch pokemon or count km’s, if you go more than ±15 mph.
As the hikers say. Cotton kills…it retains water (sweat / rain / snow) and ends up being less insulating, making you susceptible to hypothermia and making the layer heavier. Typically the base layer is there to wick water away from your skin, and the mid layer is there to keep you warm. Any temp under 40f, is considered a no go, with cotton, if your hiking.
Looking at clothing recommendations, here, and here for runners, it seems if it’s under 30f, they tend to stay away from cotton. Note: Obviously these people are also selling expensive clothing, whats important is the fabric type, not the brand name. Even if your not at risk of hypothermia, the cold constricts your muscles, making them tighter, which apparently is not great for running.
To answer your question, as long as it’s not Kari Tra brand wools, (esp the thin ones, get holes, practically immediately, for no reason. The mid weights are better, but not by much) imo, as a hiker not a runner, i would say they should hold up for at least a season, with proper care. Especially, if your wearing something more slippery like polyester over them. Wool definitely breaks apart due to friction. Even wools Ive gotten to wear under work clothes, only last a couple years max, before they start to wear in some choice areas. If you value your wools though, I would find some polyester / synthetic base / mid layers, especially if you are running on a regular basis.
Tldr: if your running in freezing temps don’t wear cotton. If you value your wools, get a polyester / synthetic base and mid layer. Also, maybe check out REI brand for some cheaper wool layers.
Really, it stems from having a bunch of old phones, bought outright, sitting around collecting dust. Some are obviously too old to be relevant, but there’s a couple that had some great features that kept degrading with the next iteration. HTC front speakers, galaxy camera, a headphone jack, and an SD card slot.
I used to take apart things like my dads old portable handheld TV, or my walkman, after I broke it, to see if I could fix it. It was hit or miss.I got the TV speakers to work again, but I had to get a new walkman. I drew the line at microwaves. But I see these phone breakdowns videos, and it looks kinda simple. I realize that there’s a ton of things going on beyond my (admittedly low) skill set, but wondered how far beyond. Like, was it something I could learn in a reasonable way, or was it just too much.
Seems like it’s wayyyy, far, over my head.
Well that seems like more effort than it’s worth… I figured the biggest issue would be fitting it into the phone, but that sounds like least of the worries.
Saw them in the early 2000s at a medium sized, indoor venue that had no seating. $25 / ticket. They stopped in the middle of a song to make sure someone was ok and a guy even jumped from the (not super high) balcony, crowd surfed to the stage, and played guitar with them for a song.
You got ripped off. :/
Yeah, it was a joke. Thus the ;)
So they say. Guess he lost his vocal cords during the process. Wonder how it would have been if the church just let him get medical help…or never told him to start smoking in the first place ;)
Idk Val Kilmer is always smoking like a chimney in all his early movies. But then he also went against the church to get chemo so…
Upon looking into it further it seems they just bought the design department. That’s crazy.
I used to love HTC phones, and was a loyal customer. Glad they’re trying to make a comeback.
Didn’t google buy HTC?
I just watched it because there was nothing else. I didn’t expect to like it.
It made me sad, but I think it was worth watching.
deleted by creator
I found as well
This is what i see on connect. Maybe its the app, but I’m sure its there’s more people who see this and think its an eyesore.
Edit: yes each article is only 4 lines, but theres 3 entries.
The posts are 4 lines but when each comment includes 3 or 4 sources it checks, you end up with a giant block of spoiler text that usually takes up about a full screen (Sometimes less, sometimes more)
Maybe a moka pot?