well i mean, its duke
well i mean, its duke
restrict all Assault Dogs!
If you work or live there, you are there. you are inconveniencing your people. are you a millionaire?
“this guy disagreed with me, better liken him to a nazi”
lol, Revolution. good job moving goal posts. apparently blocking traffic is now the first step to a violent overthrow of the sitting government.
Sure, tell me all about Gandhi and how he drug down those around him like a crab in a bucket, i’ll read your sources since you thats your cherry picking.
Yes, look at the demographics. it is not senators and billionaires, just because these people are better off than you are I does not make them the enemy. This is the entire gameplan, you hating on people who make more than you instead of the people who are in control.
-Nationally Recognized Activist, Whoreticulture.
You used the word genocide btw not him. not all collective punishment has to be to the death.
yea that definitely happens all the time.
I know lets destroy random peoples cars?? wth
disrupting production is sabotage?
disrupting production is sabotage, but disrupting the economic health of a city is…?
at least you would be inconveniencing people that have a stake
Her existence is a problem, so lets make her valedictorian?
Are you even old enough to understand that mere Passive Agressiveness doesn’t actually work as a means to get your way with people who have way more power than you do and don’t know you well enough to empathise with your (or who are just sociopaths, so wouldn’t care even if they did know you)?!
you definitely arnt old enough to know that it actually has gotten results. Worldwide. Mahatma Gandhi? segregation sit ins? white feather movement of the UK? and these are only off the top of my head.
Its quite extraordinary how when it comes to Politics in America, there is this abundance of brainwashed unthinking drones spreading the idea that the only way to improve America is to keep on dragging down others and saying “Why arnt you fixing this for me?” whenever an American politician does something people disagree with, or maybe bark loudly but never bite, just like puny dogs like chihuahuas***** do.
They arnt the ruling class, they are peasants and you are just angry at someone with a different outlook at you, assigning them ruling class because they dont have the exact same problems you do. this is exactly what they want you to do, attack and hate on your countrymen instead of the ruling class.
I do not think we live in the same world, where someone being late to their job will make the business owner consider political change.
Art Vandelay, Vandelay Industries, we import/export.
make sure you count utilities and rent for the building and supplies etc, its still ridiculous but slightly less so
just the thought of waking up to the sounds of a peanut butter sandwich upsets me greatly
maybe in theory, but the Nintendo coffers wont be running dry any time soon.