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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Oh yeah sure let’s just have two games that are almost identical, split the efforts of the devs into maintaining them both and releasing consistent updates, split the efforts of the server administrators into maintaining them both, and detract from your concurrent player base from our new game to keep our old game on life support.

    Yall are some crybabies. CS:GO was alive for 10 years, CS2 has been out for 1. It took some time to re-work Dust 2 and add it back into the map pool. I miss agency, I miss cache, but those maps are being reworked and added in over time. It’s a long game scenario here. Give it time and enjoy the free to play game that they sunk a shitload of resources into dramatically improving, that they are going to maintain for at least another decade, just like the last game.

  • It’s expensive because it utilizes WiFi-7, the hottest new thing in WiFi technology that most cellphones and WiFi cards can’t even take advantage of yet. Every other WiFi 7 router I’ve seen is also outrageously expensive. There is only one that a quick scroll on Amazon listed under the $200 mark, which is limited to 4 streams, has a limited selection of ports, etc. WiFi 6e is a much more supported technology and similar tiers of routers in wifi 6e are more affordable than their WiFi 7 counterparts.

    Obviously Ethernet is a better choice for gaming, but it’s not always an easy option for most people. If you look at the actual capabilities of some of the “gaming” routers, their throughput and coverage in a large home could make a big difference for someone trying to play counterstrike on a gaming laptop without having to run 80ft of cable through their house.

    Another classic case of “you don’t want it? Don’t fucking buy it.” The capabilities do fill a niche for those with the money.

  • What I wouldn’t give to see Big Gretch in the Oval Office. MAGAts literally tried to hatch a plan to kidnap and murder her, so she’s aware of the threat they pose to civilization in a way few others are. That aside, she’s taught effectively for labor, helped repeal right to work in her home state, and is brimming with personality.

    She also doesn’t want the job, which makes her even more perfect for it.

  • I live in a city immediately adjacent to one of the statistically blackest cities in America. I went to school in said black city for most of my childhood. I work in that city and have lots of black coworkers that I get along with just fine. My take? They’re just people like any other. Some of them are assholes. Some of them beat their wives. Some of them are total nerds. Some of them are the kind and intelligent. Some aren’t. Just like every other skin color. Black people are just people.

    And yeah, people assume a lot of shit about them as a group and make idiotic blanket statements. I have some of my own preconceived notions in my head, and when they pop up in my head I remind myself how dumb it is to carry those.