• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • I would argue that while you’re correct you’re not 100% correct and overlooking a lot of nuances in history. If you want to look at it like that the empire fractured into two, there was a war and the winning side engulfed the other. None of the things you bring up as examples were accomplished with just unity and lobbying, all of these causes involved violence or the threat of violence. Don’t go over simplifying history, a lot of people died for those rights. I by no means am advocating for these liars or violence but history has proven liars like this can be very dangerous and should not be laughed off.

  • Look buddy, I’m from the south and this is a talking point for Confederate sympathizers. This train of thought has no substance to it. The civil war didn’t just happen to people, slavery did. People did what they had to do to get out and there’s nothing authoritarian about that. You’re not being more intelligent than everyone else and you’re not the smartest person in the room like this gentleman would like you to believe, you’re being gullible.

  • Helldivers 2 is not shutting down anytime soon and I doubt they’ll offer an offline mode in the near future. If you’re not playing the major orders and watching the direction of the game in real time you’re going to miss out on a lot of the story and the lore. That’s how live games work. There isn’t a story mode or anything resembling it. Sony got wrapped up in a bunch of controversy and it left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth but AH has been trying to do what’s right. They sold 12,000,000 copies and on an average Tuesday there’s 150,000 players playing at any time. I get the hate for having to be connected to the Internet to play a game but that’s kind of the schtick for Helldivers whether you’re into or not.

  • Statistics by definition is presenting empirical data and that’s what most people think of when they hear statistics. Most scientists studying statistics actually spend much more of their time developing and studying methods of data collection rather than crunching numbers. The reason for this is you cannot have meaning statistics if the data set is not accurate. And I love you all and your experiences matter but they bear no scientific weight.

    4 out of 5 dentists agree that every time you see a static it’s complete and total bullshit. Flawed data collection leads to flawed results which leads to flawed conclusions. But people sure do get excited when numbers validate their biases.

  • It seems to me that they don’t have the employees on hand to handle the traffic. If 2 planes are sharing a runway that means a pilot is either aborting a takeoff or a landing. The article doesn’t do a great job of relaying that the pilots are the ones aborting, the controller cleared 2 planes for the same runway. They do this twice a week on average across the US. We are talking about hundreds of people’s lives. While rest is important I’m not sure it’s the answer to this problem.

    10 hour shifts max to answer your questions.