Thanks! This is a shot just on a ferry - this guy was shorter than me I think maybe size 11 feet?
And my feet from the side in size 9 shoes
Compared to a random print in the snow…
And my foot measured…
Thanks! This is a shot just on a ferry - this guy was shorter than me I think maybe size 11 feet?
And my feet from the side in size 9 shoes
Compared to a random print in the snow…
And my foot measured…
No not significantly. Obviously I’ve always secretly wondered this as well. I could not imagine walking around in size 7s…let alone size 10s or size 13s! That just seems like so much foot to me. I feel like I’d be stubbing my toes all over the place and they’d be so heavy as well. Saying this, I know that no one could possibly understand this as I’m the odd one out here…but yeah, to me everyone has absolutely (too?) massive feet.
I thought you might think so!
So my foot is 21 cm or 8.25" from heel to the tip of my toes. I don’t think his foot could be 4.33 times as long as that! I wonder what others’ foot lengths are?
About 6" so pretty normal I think
Thanks for the conversion guys.
Haha thanks! Yes - I’ve never met a man or woman with smaller feet than me in my life.
Haha all good. Not sensitive at all! Just quirky.
Not as much as you’d think. I do have a foot massager stick I use after long runs but my feet are pretty sturdy.
Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I’ll definitely wear some wheelies for you bro. Have to admit I’m pretty jealous of your size 13 wides…I wish I could get a decent pair of adult running shoes like you could I’m sure. So with my hands I’ve found playing some instruments quite difficult - especially guitar where I’ve struggled to play some chords and needed to get a 3/4 size guitar. Hand shakes are also awkward - both men’s and women’s hands can kind of dwarf my own. But yes, I guess the benefit is that my hands are much more nimble - I can easily reach things under the fridge and am pretty handy despite my handlets.
It’s cool…I get it.
Haha size 10 and size 3 are a world away but thank you I appreciate your optimism! I’m not bad at tennis!
That’s definitely how the world seems to me…everyone is Bigfoot! I do have more photos of size differences of course but I don’t want to subject you all to more photos of my deformed feet.
Classic. No shade assumed.
My feet can ache a bit after a long day or a run but I don’t think significantly worse than normal footed people. I do have orthotics that I use for extra support. I guess one advantage is that I really do not stub my toes ever…and shoes are much cheaper for me in kid’s sizes. And I can wear light up shoes. Plus I can run pretty fast - I guess my feet are much lighter than most.
Agreed of course. My Velcro Optimus Prime sandals are an old stand by -
My calf muscles and foot muscles have grown larger I think to compensate and keep me relatively balanced, but I’m still a klutz and trip all the time. Can easily lose my footing if I’m shoved in a crowd for example. But yeah for the most part can walk and run fine.
No I will have to check this out. Love some small foot representation.
Yes sometimes random strangers will comment on it which is awkward. It’s quite noticeable. In high school I used to try to wear much bigger shoes like size 7 (the biggest I could wear without them falling off me) to make it less noticeable but it hurt like hell lugging those around all day so I stopped. It’s annoying but I’m used to it I guess.
Nah that part of me was spared fortunately