Huge fan of the cathedral view. It’s the only thing that makes modding amazing.
In the parlor view, everyone is holding their secrets close to their chest and hiding the tricks, which means the community can’t learn from each other nearly as well.
Cathedral is what allows tons of tiny contributions to add up to a vast amazing experience. Each person’s work can be built upon by the next or used as inspiration and guidance for something new.
For an ecosystem built on people working after hours, this collaboration and knowledge exchange is fundamental.
It’s on my “short” Todo list to write an app that looks at your current library (Plex, for me) and finds related artists through other apis (like Spotify) and exposes a UI to show what things to check out. Maybe some tracking of what you’ve accepted as interesting and still missing so you can grab off Bandcamp or wherever else you get your music. But at least it would help track/expose WHAT bands to seek out