March 2024… Useless data.
March 2024… Useless data.
If lemmy becomes just a bit more popular, the same thing will happen
Sounds like excuses to me.
Ai is the way!
Which one is that. I guess I’ve been left out of the loop.
I mostly played 2. It was simpler and had a lot of action. Later games became more tedious, I didn’t think the advancements in diplomacy and other stuff were good enough to displace that.
On the other hand I never really wanted the games to end. Whenever I would get close to the end I would start playing in a way to delay the end.
Even without US. UK has nukes, France has nukes. You don’t need a lot to destroy Russia. Basically just two.
Nato would completely overwhelm Russia, but not before nukes would fly from various places and hit major cities in the western world. In the retaliation, all of Russia would be destroyed, world in turmoil…
I don’t really know, but when they have weird illogical views that they defend with trump like arguments, I think they are kids. They might not be 10.
Everytime it’s a bit different.
Sure, that’s the long term goal. I don’t think you can call that a goal of this war campaign.
This one clashes with short term goals of Netanyahu of staying in power.
Yes well we would all like impossible things, but that’s not really an achievable goal and everybody on all sides are aware of that.
Militarily? I don’t think anyone can expect they can achieve any kind of real military goal.
Maybe what you said, to kill some combatants and many times the amount of civilians with them. But that’s not really a military goal.
I see you disagree with everything I said and I think you are wrong. Let’s just leave it at that.
Israel can’t just overtake it. There is too many people there. They already tried that tactic for the last 30(?) years when gaza was a prison.
I don’t think they know what they want and can even achieve in this campaign. I don’t think they will invade Lebanon.
I don’t think that’s in their religion.
Plus the other side actually is saying that.
That’s a strawman. It is not like that at all and I never said it was. I even specifically said that I know the reason it is like it is. I do know how to work with it. And no, I have an ideology, something I mentioned many times : I’m a pragmatist.
Many developers have narrow views. Probably most have.
I have not taken anything here personally. I have answered all the questions even those that were rude. I did all this in high spirit because it seemed like a good debate. But it mostly really wasn’t. Because most people reply with basically : your experience isn’t valid because you suck. That’s what almost all replys were. Even yours.
So let’s not pretend any further this is going anywhere and just end it. Have a great day.
You are going in circles, making a strawman for me. Chill. I’m not a soldier for any software. Use whatever you like. I dont care. I shared my experience with Firefox. I’m sorry it’s different than yours, but it is what it is and no attacks on me and fallacies you what to string on are going to change it.
It seemed like people were interested, so I answered all the questions, even those that were offensive and rude and many were (very nice “community” ). I think this is the end. Bye.
I only saw the one text saying march