Well this time he actually is one of the founders. He invested 45 million to launch OpenAI and he was co-chair with Altman
Well this time he actually is one of the founders. He invested 45 million to launch OpenAI and he was co-chair with Altman
There is even a Wikipedia entry about it
This is why you add a disc reader and a laptop, that can run directly from a power brick without a battery installed, in the safe. This way the next generations have a way to read it and transfer it to modern media.
Apparently Nixxes is also working on it https://blog.playstation.com/2024/12/12/the-last-of-us-part-ii-remastered-comes-to-pc-april-3-2025/
Hopefully the technical work is all relegated to Nixxes.
Guess all the people calling it woke still bought it.
Isn’t Nixxes also working on it?
And meanwhile many small businesses will go down since they don’t have the bargaining power like their bigger competitors. The rising prices of their suppliers will completely wipe out the tiny margins they had. Even if they raise their prices their competitors can undercut them even more aggressively now. Also quality and quantities of products will go down.
I’m surprised that people feel safe to discuss those things in a Slack of a company that creates American Imperialistic propaganda. It’s a certainty that crypto-fascists are among them, no matter how progressive the companies policies are. The stuff they make attracts right wingers.
For most people the further they sit away from a screen the less they are going to notice it. And console gamers play on a tv from the couch. Of course if you show them a 60fps version after they played in 30fps they will notice but most people don’t understand why that is and thus not care. Like how many people watch movies with motion smoothing on since they don’t see that it looks smoother than the movies in the cinema.
Rockstar can get away with this since the vast majority of GTA player will be mainstream casual gamers that only have fifa/madden and CoD in their gaming collection.
The mod was designed to play in 60fps on a jailbreaked PS4 Pro in boost mode. It just also works on an emulator
Trump was nearly 60 when he had him. Barron could have genetically predisposed mental health issues.
Who has the kind of money to mainline Starbucks coffee? Certainly not teenagers.
Yep and then Madison “Suop” dropped a bombshell about toxic work culture and verbal abuse
I’m team Suop. Linus is a cunt.
You are not supposed to use these in a non-redundant config.
First also happens but they end relationships rather than start one. How many marriages have failed because of a DIY reno project that halted progress for years.
Good keep those numb nuts away. Reddit sucks not only because of Spez and his greedy overlords, many of the users suck as well and I bet there is a big overlap on the Venn diagram between people who suck and people who think lemmy is confusing