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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • There this trend with Americans where they pretend that a presidential election is the beginning of the purge and they’ve got to make plans or else they’re doomed.

    I remember back in 2008 when a bunch of conservatives declared that America was doomed because a Kenyan muslim was in power and that his plan was to crash the economy to the ground with the recession he created… and so they were making escape plans to go to Australia or wherever… that didn’t happen.

    In 2016, liberals famously declared how they were going to escape Trump’s fascist regime by moving to Canada or Europe in mass before he starts WWIII… literally nothing happened.

    In 2020, both liberals and conservatives declared that if the candidate they didn’t want won, they would leave the US to go elsewhere in the West because clearly the country has no future because Trump/Biden will strip them of their rights and run the country into the ground with their incompetence… but nothing happened then either.

    Now, in 2024, we have the same candidates from 2020 but more senile and old. Everybody is claiming that if Biden wins he’ll sleep walk us into WWIII and if Trump wins he’ll turn America into a fascist state. Both of these are unfortunate possiblities, however, will we see a mass exodus? History tells us no, we won’t.

    But seeing all the dramatic reactions is still pretty funny.

  • In my opinion, MAGA officially crossed the line from being a fringe political movement and into a genuine cult after 2020. It was pretty bad starting all the way back during his first campaign in 2015 and it got gradually worse over the years. However, during 2020 MAGA turned into an actual national security threat, not once, but twice. First, during the anti-vaxx shit were they literally denying the existence of the virus, or even worse, they were actively mocking the people who died, and then again after they lost the election and attempted the coup.

    Any sane conservative who didn’t nope out pretty early on in his term distanced themselves after Jan 6th. The only people who still supported Trump after what he did were the ones that worshipped him. Since Jan 6, 2021 Trump’s MAGA consist of people who will follow him no matter what, will listen to whatever he says no matter how false or dangerous, and will unironically want him as a dictator. I think the cult thing became most apparent when supporters were wearing diapers in a show of support for him… that’s so batshit crazy that it leaves me speechless.

  • That’s not how capitals work. France itself only nominally fell because it appointed an ultraconservative collaborator (Petain) to the highest position of government.

    Lol what? If you conquer a country’s capital, that country falls unless its government moves elsewhere and establishes a foothold which doesn’t happen often. When the Germans conquered Paris, the French government basically collapsed and from the Germans were able to take control and establish puppet governments.

    Most of the oppressed minorities were in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe, and very quickly found out that the Nazis were no liberators. Most of the remaining Soviet population was Russian, not ethnic minorities.

    Nobody thought that the Nazis were liberators. Everybody knew Hitler wanted to expand Germany and turn it into an empire. However, the Soviets were thought of as liberators by non Soviet Eastern European nations, and they quickly learned after the war that weren’t exactly free, just under new management.

    A few of the central Asian SSRs were around, but their governments weren’t oppressed, but participants in the oppression - why would they rise up?

    Those governments were Russian puppets. Russia was always a multi ethnic empire that favored Russians and oppressed the rest. There’s a reason why Stalin went through his “deportation” (read: genocide) plans. They weren’t good.

    This brought second wind to the allies as Americans weapons starting pouring into the UK and the Soviet Union

    I think it’s pretty clear given the context that I meant the rate of shipments accelerated

  • The only reason endrd up losing to the Soviets was because he went back on his own original war plan. He didn’t want to fight a war on two fronts. The idea was to knock out France, which he did, then defeat the UK, which he didn’t do. He expected the UK to sue for negotiations but they ended up resisting him for far longer than he expected. Since the US was supplying the UK and keeping them afloat, Hitler was cautious. He wanted to avoid a war with the US, so he turned his attention elsewhere, which was invading the Soviet Union, while not securing the Western front.

    Despite this, Hitler still managed to reach the outskirts of Moscow and he was close to winning, but he got cocky and impatient by ordering his armies to march through the winter and unwisely split a few of his armies at the wrong times. He also made his biggest mistake by declaring war on the US when the US declared war on Japan after they attacked Pearl Harbor… Even though didn’t have to. After trying to previously avoid war with US, he went and did it for no good reason. This brought second wind to the allies as Americans weapons starting pouring into the UK and the Soviet Union as well as American troops pouring into the Western front. This forced Hitler to divide his attention and resources which gave the Soviets valuable time and opportunities to recover and strike back.

    Too bad the Soviets ended up occupying Eastern Europe much like the nazis but under new management rather actually liberating them.

  • Let me ask you this, as someone with a life, why did you even entertain the idea of wasting time on something this pointless in the first place? Do you find it fun? What’s the thought process? Personally, after I finish working I want to spend my free time hanging out with my friends, family, go on a vacation, etc. If I really do have extra spare time on a consistent basis, I would much rather practice guitar, play ball, or doing things like you’re doing now with your car. I see no benefit whatsoever from becoming a committed unpaid admin in general, let alone for an irrelevant site.

  • Serious question, why would anybody do this? These are the requirements of an actual job but without any of the pay. If someone is putting in this much effort, they might as well just apply for a real job and get paid for it.

    I understand that you guys want to screen people first, but lmao are you guys going overboard. The people who view this as hobby aren’t going to put themselves through such unnecessary and worthless hassle, and the people who want a job won’t apply because there’s no money involved. The only people who would qualify and want to do something like this are people who literally have no life. These are people who have no family, jobs, or a social life.