Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • I’m still not entirely convinced Musk didn’t steal the election, but the evidence I’ve seen to support it is rather thin beyond circumstantial evidence about voting patterns. We don’t have benevolent hacker groups looking out for us anymore, I don’t think.

    A lot of folks don’t understand that a lot of hacks/leaks relied on people from other countries doing the hack. If you’re a citizen of the country you’re trying to hack, you’re in for a real bad time.

    The rest of the world is too busy fixing their own problems to be worrying about fixing the USA when we fucked this one up all on our own.

    Honestly, we’ve been fucking it up all on our own and showing the rest of the world how little we respect their opinion since at least two weeks after 9/11/2001.

  • Spore was such a disappointment.


    Shout out to Sim Copter and Jacques Servin:


    The game gained controversy when it was discovered that the homosexual designer Jacques Servin inserted an Easter egg that generated shirtless men in Speedo trunks who hugged and kissed each other and appear in great numbers on certain dates, such as Friday the 13th. The egg was caught shortly after release and removed from future copies of the game. He cited his actions as a response to the intolerable working conditions he allegedly suffered at Maxis, particularly working 60-hour weeks and being denied time off. He also reported that he added the “studs”, as he called them, after a heterosexual programmer programmed “bimbo” female characters into the game, and that he wanted to highlight the “implicit heterosexuality” of many games. Although he had initially planned for the characters to appear only occasionally, the random number generator he had created malfunctioned, leading them to appear frequently. Servin was fired as a result, with Maxis reporting that his dismissal was due only to his addition of unauthorized content. This caused a member of AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), a gay AIDS organization, to call for a boycott of all of Maxis’ products, a measure which Servin rejected. Some months later, a group named RTMark announced its existence and claimed responsibility for the Easter egg being inserted into the game, along with 16 other acts of “creative subversion.” Servin stated that he had received a money order of $5,000 from RTMark for the prank. It was revealed later on that Servin was a cofounder of RTMark.

    Servin would go on to be one of the founders of The Yes Men.


  • This feels like wishcasting. As long as they can fake their numbers, I guess it doesn’t really matter because nobody calls anyone out on anything.

    Tesla’s stock price seems unaffected by Musk bullshitting the most recent earnings call, or not enough to matter. Its still above $400 a share and this is after he finally admitted current hardware can’t actually do FSD.

    The market is full-on irrational and invested in being irrational. Capital always aligns with fascism in the end. They will believe the bogus metrics fed by these companies for their “engagement.” The same people who fell prey to Elizabeth Holmes can’t see that all those profiles on Facebook and X are AI generated and automated.

  • I actually wouldn’t be surprised if Microsoft saying you’ll be able to play Xbox games on the Switch 2, implying that Game Pass is coming to Switch 2, was the thing that finally kicked their asses and gear and made them realize they were being fucking stupid trying to have so much control while Microsoft is out here with even tighter controls and a cheaper model (in a lot of gamers’ eyes at least, those who don’t care about things like longevity of studios or actual ownership of a product as opposed to rental licensing).

    Sorry for the run-on sentence I don’t feel like fixing it.

  • I’ll make a counterpoint, honestly, conservative spaces aren’t handling the stopping all federal grants things well.

    Lots of fiscal conservatives are suddenly having their stomachs drop realizing that Trump could actually cause a depression doing this kind of dumb shit.

    I’m actually beginning to be skeptical of how much of this kind of insane shit they’ll actually put up with, because a lot of conservative people seemingly are actually loudly saying “Wait a minute, this could actually be really bad…”

    Even on “flaired user only” threads on reddits /r/conservative there are many responses by obviously not-complete-dipshit conservatives while the rest of them are complaining about brigading in a flaired user thread lol.

    I actually began wondering today if he crashes the economy if we’ll end up seeing the conservatives go Gaddafi on Trump.

    Propaganda only goes so far if the botton falls out of your economy entirely. If suddenly they all don’t have jobs or hope for a future I don’t think they’re going to sit around and keep praising Trump.

    Further evidence from an AP Poll:


    AP has a new poll out which asked whether people think it’s a good or bad thing that the President “relies on billionaires for advice about government policy.” When I first saw the results of this poll as “good” coming in at “+12” I thought they meant ‘net’ 12% and I thought, ‘eeeesh, the honeymoon phase is more intense than I thought!’ But no, 12%: as in, 12% of the public think it’s a good thing. 60% think it’s not. That’s US adults. The only outliers are Republicans, 20% of whom think this is a good thing. But even that is pretty feeble. To put it simply, these are terrible numbers.

    The easiest way to break people from propaganda is to simply let their personal lived reality become to starkly different from the propaganda that they can no longer ignore it in front of their own face. Trump may inadvertently give us that.

  • My grandpappy got to work in the mines with a high school education! He got paid well, he could raise a family, and he only died from black lung at 43! I deserve to work a shit job for lower wages than I deserve to be able to pretend I’m getting a good deal out of society like my grandpappy pretended until he croaked! That’s when grandma got to stop pretending, too, and she married her neighbor Ruth. Fucking women ruining men’s lives and killing them young with black lung is the real issue!

    Or something like that. A big big part of it seems to be genuinely a deep resentment for anyone educated and skilled, and a feeling of being deserving of a certain quality of life while not contributing much… which is wild because like… How do they not see that everyone deserves a decent quality of life even if they don’t have a great education? Because they can’t feel positive about their quality of life if they’re not lording it over someone who has it worse than them? It feels like all these things that they rail against like higher minimum wage and unions and whatnot all would give them what they want but they’re somehow too fuckstupid to put it together. It’s such a deeply fucking broken way to live, and it must be really lonely.

  • Unpopular Opinion: The last few hardware generations have had diminishing returns while increasing the cost of being a PC gamer drematically. While the DOOM games are generally well-optimized, I just upgraded my whole ass system after 8 years just two years ago and I’m hitting minimum specs to play the new DOOM game at all. Same with Indiana Jones, same with STALKER 2, same with Alan Wake 2.

    Of course, we also went from 8gb of video RAM being more than enough to needing fucking like 16-24gb as a standard somehow.

    Seriously, the rig I bought to play fucking Bioshock Infinite kept up for about 8 years. I know I didn’t go all-out in building my machine but I didn’t 10 years ago either when I put my old box together. Honestly current machine feels way more high-end than the one 10 years ago did.

    Anyway, kind of feels like a rip-off by the industry to me, and this is the same industry that is pushing for GTA 6 to cost $80-100 because they’re not making enough money somehow.

    Basically, even if you have a 4090, the stutters and poor fps still exist due to the way the game is designed.

    In a way, it’s like being back in the NES days all over again. Sometimes the game itself would just push the hardware too much and it would slow down. This shouldn’t be happening at all in this environment, it’s a joke. It goes well beyond just positive reviews for this kind of stuff.