• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • It’s hard for me to put myself in a woman’s shoes, esp. one walking by herself in the park in an not very crowded area. Did she panic in the heat of the moment and actually feel threathened or was she a narcissistic prick that overreacted? Was he justified in escalating?

    It seems to me he was aware that he had power over the situation and used that - even though he had reason to - threaten her dog. Which again: dog had no business being off leash. But is in justification to escalate the way he did? Lemmy seems to have made up their mind. I never both sides them. She clearly took it to an extreme end by involving the police. But again, I don’t know the perspective of women in matters of close encounters such as these. And as Lemmy is like 90% men I don’t think this convo will go beyond : racism bad; Karen got what she deserved.

    Lemmy just seems hostile to women in general. But that’s just my perspective. I could be wrong.

  • I never said she wasn’t a pos. She absolutely is a trash person. I agree. I’m not defending her to be clear. We got that out of the way.

    However, it’s not unusual to run into off leash dogs - depending on the park, of course - in a park like setting. Maybe he was having a bad day, but he absolutely escalated by goading her and saying that he would lure the dog with treats.

    It’s a weird thing to say.

    I’ve had interactions with dog owners all my life, no one has ever said that as a threat anywhere.

    Is it as harmful as calling the cops on someone? Absolutely No. Is it possible she panicked? Maybe. Is it likely she’s racist? Seems so (at least to me). Hard to put yourself in the shoes of a woman by herself in a park etc.

    Am I trying to equivocatu between the two? No. I’m merely pointing out there could have been other means to deescalate the situation than by threatening to feed something to her dog. This is the part that gets left out of all the clipped vids. Social media ftw.

    In my book she’s a piece of shit, for sure. He’s not a saint to me though.

  • simplest way to get her to leash her dog

    It’s also an escalation. Clearly he wasn’t afraid of the dog. We all agree the dog should have been leashed but it’s still an escalation of the confrontation.

    I walk my dogs all the time leashed and run into other non-leashed dogs and their owners. I politely ask them to leash up because my dog has trauma and is gets very agitated around other dogs. But one thing I never do is threaten the other owner that I will “lure their dogs to me with treats”. That’s kinda hostile, dontcha think?

  • Yea i don’t know about this one.

    Initially I was on the dudes side and jumped on the ‘lady is a Karen’ bandwagon.

    Then I watched the video and I think both were kind of dicks to each other. In the video he straight up baited the dog while she was also being non chalant about the dog being off leash. Maybe it’s a New Yorker thing. I just think a lot of people jumped on the Karen bandwagon really fast.

    Same thing happened with the lady with the bicycle and and that time it was later rewealed the guys were actually threatening her.

    All I’m saying is online mob mentality has gotten pretty insane lately and I just have turned to being more skeptical in general.

    Edit: to the downvote brigade I highly recommend go watch the full video and decide for yourself

    2td edit: I rewatched the video because its been a while. Apparently he was scared of the dog but he also said he lured the dog away with treats. Haha ya this guy was actively looking for a confrontation but found a racist Karen. They’re both dicks

    3rd edit and I’m done: I think Lemmy (and social media in general) struggles with female perspectives. Is she a narcissistic prick? Maybe. But this convo won’t go beyond that since 90% of the people here are well… Male.

  • Thanks.

    The issue is I am argumentative. I like having disagreents and most of all I like hearing different points of view. If this sounds like a vanilla take, it’s because it is.

    If I disagree with people on fb or insta or ask to verify the facts of an event there I will get push back or I will learn something new. I will also hear some combative words. Nothing strange.

    If I ask about the facts of the matter here:

    • “blocked”

    • “troll”

    • “fuck you you cuntfuck defender of Kyle Rittenhouse. Eat dick.”

    • “I have you labeled as conservative cuck”

    On. And on. And on. But it’s OK, because apparently asking for facts is justification to garner this, right?

    What gives?

  • I don’t want a gotcha.

    I want to understand why it’s OK for someone to come in and make sniping remarks and call me a troll. They get zero condemnation from you. But because you all have decided I’m an asshole, that’s OK. I even granted yea it’s possible my rhetoric came across abrasive - even though, again, to be clear: trying to ascertain the facts of the matter of a situation should not automatically relegate someone to a label.

    I gave grace. I never labeled anyone anything. Not even the person that called me a troll. I didn’t lob insults at anyone.

    And yet.

    The onus is on me to apologize and reflect. At least thats the vibe I’m getting from you.