• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I was messing about in a fighter simulator (previous milenium) and the game told me I did an insane move. It sticked, so I called myself TheInsane. In an online game, that nick was already in use, so I got the suggestion to take TheInsane1… nah, there is only 1 answer to everything, so I added that. It stuck since then. I got me the matching domain in '22.

    I’m using KoffieNu as well, as it matched my domain koffie.nu (proud owner since '98), mainly on mastodon, git and some dutch lemmy instances.

  • Relying on a basic understanding how things/situations work.

    At a new school, I really messed up a math test. I was studying like crazy, learned all formulas that I would need and managed to apply them all in each question on the test, combining all off them each question. Lowest score possible (1 out of 10), as I really messed up. Next test I didn’t study, I jusy flipped trough the book, checked 1 situation I didn’t understood and made the test. On handing out the teacher asked what I did different then the previous test. I told him I didn’t study, I just checked if it was logically to me and decided I understood as much as I could. He told me to do just that on all tests and I’d have no problems with education and gave me the result, a perfect score. (10 out of 10)

    That was 34y ago and still I want to understand things and see the logic behind it. Works perfectly on almost everything. (Humans behavious still mostly eludes me though, totally illogical 🤨)

  • For me the old internet was an escape from real life. I hate crowds, so I preferred the internet in '94. It was fun, new and all other nerds were just like me, so I understood them (ok, most of them). Now ‘normals’ have taken over as well as companies.

    Yea olde internet was for sharing useful information, learning and communicating with like minded, now internet is primarily for earning cash (companies) and having opinions sent out/manipulated. To much noice, not enough information.

  • To nit-pick a tad more, when they have access to my key and have my passphrase so they can sign with it…

    That’s why you set the passphrase on keys, gpg, ssh,… Never use a encryption without a key. That way you need posession (key) and knowledge (passphrase) to identify yourself. When you use ssh, use the ssh agent, when you have automated login which would be better to use without keyphrase, use a different pair (specify wuth -i option) and limit access with that to a fixed ip.

    And always protect your key. No cloud backup…

    Edit: GPG keys also can be signed. Not by specific companies (there is probably a service for that, but it’s not by design), but by other people knowing each other. That way you have a trust based on who knows who, not who has more cash…

    Same with ssh keys, you can sign those as well and set sshd to accept anybody with a certificate signed by ‘x’ to access the server on the same account name the cert was issued for.