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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • TheOubliette@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlTabasco on pizza: Yay or Nay?
    7 days ago

    Italians are well-known for being sticklers about the right way to prepare their food, often implying it is ancient. Unless it is a low-oil focaccia or a salad (ancient Roman), it is surprisingly often the case that it is a dish that is 50-100 years old with a foreign influence.

    Naples has been making pizza for about 200 years as a basic flatbread with tomatoes, mozarella, and basil. If you eat pizza with a tomato sauce… that’s an American change. Pizza was not often eaten outside Naples [Edit:whoopsie] until around WWII. The most common variations around the world are all based on the American version.

    Carbonara was a WWII-era invention with tons of variations at first and an American origin. I’ve known Italians that get actually upset if you prepare carbonara with the “wrong” ingredients even though they were ingredients used on “original” carbonaras less than 50 years ago.

    If you go back just a bit farther, every dish that needs tomatoes or potatoes or peppers is from the Americas, not Europe. And Europeans were not big on tomatoes for a looong time. It’s only been in much use there for about 250 years.

  • The constitutional amendment that outlawed slavery in the US provided one exception: anyone convicted of a crime.

    This was a tool of Jim Crow to maintain a sizeable black slave labor force via disproportionate criminalization of black people and poverty (newly-freed previous slaves were very poor, often illiterate). It was and is a tool of modern racialized hyper-exploited labor via the prison system. And it is likely a tool that US authorities are keeping in their back pocket for the mass criminalization of the homeless.

  • This is a great example of the hyperfocus on irrelevant details that plagues these comments. It was intentional, but even if it wasn’t, so what? “Your argument has a typo, therefore you’re dunked!”?

    How was saying “dialect” a doge reference? What?

    Anyways I told you exactly why it was relevant in the second sentence you quoted. Do you not see the contradiction between being condescending about a topic without being able to refer to its concepts by name? It isn’t even a spelling error, it is a different word entirely.

    The issue is that the comment is pablum. It doesn’t actual say anything, it’s not informative. It’s hoping you’ll infer something yourself and then waste time assuming what they meant. As

    I would say its meaning is obvious and you’re being obtuse.

    As mentioned in a previous comment, I realize that one of the things it’s trying to get you to infer is that decadent western media is bad or whatever

    Yes, I am aware of and criticized this misapprehension.

    Arguing that there’s only one thing it’s trying to communicate is a great example of the black and white thinking that plagues tankies.

    It’s a meme with one point and you are repeatedly announcing that you don’t get that one lightting would prefer to substitute in the things you want to think about instead.

    “You’re meant to ask why” is so embarrassingly vapid that I’m surprised you’re defending it.

    How is it vapid? It feels like you just have a grab-bag of negative words that you’re applying willy-nilly rather than addressing what I said. You have skipped over the vast majority of what I said, by the way.

    Of course people will focus on big issues like “let’s try to make sure this country continues to exist” over “let’s try to help this country improve itself”.

    You are being so vague that I have to guess you are still trying to discuss the meme and that you are contrasting Ukrainians fighting Russia with Ukraine having a Nazi problem. Let me know how accurate this guess is and I will be able to respond.

    There will hopefully be time for more of that later after Putin’s invasion fails. I mean come on, this is pretty basic stuff. Do you think I’d be arguing in good faith if I said “Yeah, what’s happening in Palestine is bad, but have you seen their LGBTQ record”? It’s also again, not saying something, it’s JAQing off.

    The people that try to pinkwash Israel’s genocide do so in order to justify genocide. They want to create deserving victims so that you do not materially oppose their genocide and instead support it by trying to get people to vote for genocide supporters and villify the people taking action in solidarity.

    Ukraine having a Nazi problem is not used by people at Hexbear to say that Ukrainians deserve to die. But it is directly relevant to the civil war since Euromsidan, as Nazis have been the dedicated military cadres terrorizing the people of Donbas and they have absurdly high profiles, likely being behind several decisions including the ethnic cleansing campaigns, the celebration if Bandera, increased anti-labor and antisemitic attacks. It is not, “Ukrainians are bad and deserving because some are Nazis”. It is, “the Nazis sure do call a lot of shots and do Nazi things in Ukraine and you shouldn’t justify the Azov Brigade”.

    I was told there’d be informative comments with sources. There were not.

    This is simply false. The post with the image you reposted cites 9 mainstream sources alone.

    Can we agree to a baseline of, “not saying false things in purpose”? I always assume this to be the default, but unfortunately you are behaving poorly towards me and others.

    I elided some of the comment that makes it more clear:

    I see what happened. Your “poor Putin” comment refers to the quote that followed it rather than the previous, as implied.

    This is imperialist sympathizing, and the OP should feel ashamed. “Putin just had to invade Ukraine because of those other meanie imperialists that didn’t want him in their club!”

    If there is something for OP to feel bad about there, it is being too cavalier using Great Man Theory logic despite knowing better. But their comment is overall accurate if you understand it as the Russian capitalist ruling class (of which Putin is a member). They did attempt to become part of the global imperialist order alongside Europe, the US, et al and were instead excluded and pushed towards third world status.

    If you think communists are sympathetic to capitalists trying to get a bigger piece of the pie, you are very confused. Understanding how capitalists fight each other and put us all through the meat grinder in the process is an important part of being communist, however.

    Also “crypto fascists who run NATO will never forgive the Slavic peoples for destroying the third reich” is just straight facepalm material.

    NATO was literally originally staffed by Nazis and used them to continue a maximum pressure anticommunist campaign immediately after the Nazis had attempted with varying degrees of success to depopulate the countries to its east of Jewish people, slavs, gay people, Roma, and communists. That legacy has survived, with NATO serving primarily as an offensive weapon against designated enemies of the imperialist bloc. For example, turning Libya from the highest HDI country in Africa into a country controlled by warlords with open air slave markets. The Western opposition to Nazis was, historically, that they turned West and invaded through France and bombed England rather than staying focused on the shared enemy to the east. They were happy to capitulate and support Nazus right up until the push West.

    So as a shorthand quip I would say it is pretty accurate.

  • Countries are countries, not people, and cannot really be friends. Countries, today, are all nation-states and therefore inextricable from the global caoitalist system, so to be free of politics would be to end every country. In this context, countries can be allies, usually due to shared interests to meet strategic goals.

    Inversely, countries are enemies due to their inherent political nature, the global unstable system of exploitation. To imagine an end to inter-country hostility is to imagine the end of capitalism and nation-states themselves. Under such events the people who live in what is now Chile could love those in Saudi Arabia as much as those in Tanzania.

  • Maybe because you didn’t observe it happening.

    I did, actually. I made some of the John Brown posts lol.

    Reddit admins were busy as hell cleaning the place up. All kinds of rightwing subs like some of the incel gathering spots. Some for straight up Nazis like frenworld or whatever it was where they were using honk honk as code for heil Hitler. When the admins made site changes due to complaints about right wing subs, Chapo made the list because they engaged in similar activities with the main complaint being brigading other subs.

    Brigading is not an activity similar to supporting incels or Nazis.

    I remember the subreddit mods sharing their attempts to communicate with admins on this, offering to make whatever changes would be needed, and getting stonewalled. The subreddit itself adopted a no-brigading policy and included it with an pinned automod comment on every post.

    But this is neither here nor there because the ban announcement said nothing about brigading. Instead, they said it was about content violating their new anti-hate policy and a vague statement about mods not “reining” in users. Prior communications and the timeline suggested the only content violations were anti-slavery posts.

    Their mods refused to change to meet the new rules.

    How so?

    The admins eventually removed some of the mods.

    Which ones and why?

    They still refused to change afterward

    Such as?

    The reality is that most of this was actually opaque.