or better yet “You just ran over a single mother while missing her child! this segment brought to you by BetterHelp, you’re gonna need it!”
or better yet “You just ran over a single mother while missing her child! this segment brought to you by BetterHelp, you’re gonna need it!”
LLMs are good for some searches or clarification that the original website doesn’t say. Ex the “BY” attribute in creative commons being acronymed to “BY” (by John Doe) and not “AT” (attributed to John Doe)
Along a laundry list of bad companies there’s runescape fucking RUNESCAPE of all games!
no this png on my screen is REAL guys!!
what is it with history teachers always being so conservative?
where blinker fluid?
saw someone with a big ass snake.
Also, I owned a hedgehog once, dude had some serious trauma from his 5 previous owners. Yeah, 5.
He was always angry, but I still played with him anyways trying to get him to warm up to people. Never did, but he did like exploring all the books and crannies of the room. Wish I could’ve had him before all his previous owners :(
control + t. Type word. Enter.
99% of the time I HATE advertising, however in this circumstance I can’t relate, I love my Kia Soul and I really like how down to earth the old Kia logo was. More importantly it feels like a part of Sir-hops-a-lot’s personality that id be removing and I don’t want that.
(yes, I have named and personified it a bit so I’m not really the average customer lol)
beep beep frog car incoming!
nyooom! 🐸
I do agree on clothing, if it’s not funny (apparently there’s a brand named ‘lorem ipsum’ that makes shirts) or like a YouTubers merch or experience (ex. a museum tshirt I have), I don’t understand why you would pay extra.
“how did my work pants get hair on them?! I literally put them INSIDE my shirt!” -me, 2 days ago
you need 2 spaces and 2 enters after the first line to make it separate from the quote:
(yeah I know, formatting is really dumb)
300 page 5 subject 5-star branded binder for actual schoolwork
for personal scheduling/journaling?
I like the Lemmy one, but peertubes logo looks like it’s gonna stab my eyeballs in my sleep
oh God this thread got a lot darker than I thought it would be 😭😭
sending love folks, we got this.
till the very next day
I love the dedicated piracy folder lmao
omgg I love jolly
I can hardly speak to people anymore. Suppressing my gender for 4 years then finally coming out feels awful. I really thought it would be better. I know my family would have issues but fuck. I have so many thoughts in my head but I can’t get more than a word to two before bursting to tears.
Add on top of that the most stressful school schedule I’ve faced yet and the political climate?
I kinda just want to go to sleep and never wake up to go through more of the same pain the next day.
beginning to give a valid answer, then deleting the answer
If it IS open source someone could undo this, but I assume its more difficult than a single on/off button. That along with it being selfhostable, it might be pretty good. 🤔
I sounds like a joke, but they’ve had the cycle of
1: release controversial change to get more money
2: get protests/boycotts of people stopping their membership (subscription)
3: make an ‘agreement’ that still gets them more money but is mild enough that protests won’t meaningfully continue
4: wait a few months for people to cool off
5: repeat
I think this ‘cycle’ was a lot more violent this time because it was made by a parent company rather than Jagex themselves.