• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2024


  • Blackwell is basically the newest Fermi. Data Center first design that get’s offloaded to run games while requiring a nuclear power plant to run it. The cherry-picked gen on gen uplift is shit, the prices are shit and everyone is still going to buy it because they’re the only game in town. Truth is, till the competition authorities break NVIDIA up, we won’t get a decent GPU gen at prices normal people can pay.

  • It was quite literally the reason why it hit 70k players, NVIDIA. cdpr, allegedly, got wads of money to become the tech demo for the green team, which made the red engine require an overhaul that killed its performance on old gen consoles. Nowadays it’s used as a benchmark. If you look at the player chart it peaked during CES and cratered back down to almost half of the 70k Tassi (aka mouthpiece) is touting. What really is a team worth exploring is how CDPR knowingly deceived millions of people, and thanks to the short memory of the Internet and (likely paid) puff pieces like this, has regenerated its image (and stock price) to a point that quite literally they got away with what they did and saw no consequences. It’s appalling that companies no longer pay when they cheat customers.

    This is also a strong message on media literacy. There’s two main types of bait, rage and circlejerk, Tassi enacted the second with this puff piece. A real journalist, would have looked at the average player count of the last few months and used that, but no, “journalist” Paul Tassi chose to make a point from a blip caused by an event that EVERYONE could be aware of and, “journalist” Paul Tassi, should be aware of. This is so disingenuous that it becomes a master class on how media influences people with distorting information.

    Edit: As another point, “journalist” Paul Tassi purposefully omits the genial Stardew Valley which usually clocks in close to double the playerbase of Cyberpunk (among over 10 single player games that overtake or compare, like FM, Don’t Starve, Terraria, RDR2, HoIIV, et al).

  • Cyberpunk is overrated as a visual experience. If they had spent an iota of the effort they did at using defeat devices to hamper competitor performance vs NVIDIA (PT, etc) into creating better NPCs, the game would be much more immersive. Also the lighting with PT is incredibly grainy and there’s a noticeable illumination lag as soon as you move. FFXII had better NPCs (and writing) than cyberpunk and it’s a relic of the past nowadays. Perhaps gameplay/art>>>>>> pseudo realistic graphics with Hollywood stars

  • Thank you for stepping in.

    I’d add

    Saas can compound to higher costs due to the recurring subscription, flexibility comes at a cost, especially when unnecessary features are bundled. Much like you mentioned of salesforce, there’s a limited control on your data (and your customer’s) It can’t be airgapped for critical functions You’re locked in to one vendor in many cases Cost creep when features are bundled during the enshitification phase (salesforce again) It reduces consumer/enterprise options since it’s much more profitable so it conducted to the dissappearance of several perpetual license models for scientific software that has now compounded into billions of tax money being buried for use rather than any kind of useful feature addition.

    There’s nothing inherently bad or good about SaaS per se as it can make sense, the problem is it became the racehorse the entire industry bet on and *EVERY *SINGLE *FUCKING *PIECE *OF *SW is now fucking SaaS, from printer SW to games on a flipping phone to access to basic scientific sofware. What could have been a great invention to provide scalability and low upfront cost to enterprises spread like cancer and corrupted the entire software industry. For that, Salesforce has been relegated to their own hell circle.

  • “While some videogames have recently taken the opportunity to embed social or political agendas within their experiences, it is clear that many players do not appreciate this, and as a result, we have seen a number of high profile releases underperforming commercially during the last year alone,” Hill said. “Our games will always be developed to maximise player enjoyment and commercial success, and as such, we will not be integrating any social or political agencies into these experiences going forward having observed the high risk this can present.”

    Talk about journos making a mountain out of a molerat… If it in fact was written by a “journo” and not an AI. To be fair, journo is a stretch, journos have journalism degrees, there’s very little separating “gaming journalists” from bloggers. (Schreier and the like being the exception)

  • Wait, but we had recently a feature from PMG on YouTube showing how a significant portion of the art of devs like the coalition and Naughty Dog being contracted to sweatshops in Asia. So basically game development budgets are to pay a handful of talented programmers and the friends of the art and writing department while sweatshops do the work. Mega lol, we have bay area entitled shitheads playing ping pong in the office and adoring Elon while costing millions while the people who do the work are getting abused across the planet…