“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

-George Bernard Shaw

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • We are seeing this in full effect from the opposition party in Canada. They don’t have a platform or anything except they aren’t Justin Trudeau. That’s all they have but it’s working as in Canada we vote out governments of power, and not into power.

    The current government has been in office for 8 years now and much like Biden is at fault for so many things in the world, our guy is too. At times I lose the thread on which one is a fault though… But yes I’m assured he’s to blame for everything wrong in their lives…

  • That’s pretty cool.

    It’s been awhile since I last used a iPhone 13 Pro Max for work but I do recall the constant announcements there with previous models when Apple would announce yet another great “new” feature for iPhone that Android users already had for a year or two at that stage.

    Samsung also made some good media campaigns on the announcements and used the lineups for new iPhones fairly well in their advertising.

    I will say I thought the iPhone 13 camera was pretty goof, the battery life was too, and within the Apple walled garden the texting of videos was nice. The overall user experience for me wasn’t a good fit. I like to browse the web without ads and watch videos without them too. Some of that can be done with a iPhone but it’s clunky and the web browsers are just safari.

    There’s other customizable options I prefer that I can do with Android that isn’t an option yet for Apple but I do know they will be able to at some stage.

    Overall the whole apple vs android has been great for consumers. If it wasn’t for the competition between Apple and the Android products neither group would be as far along.

  • I recall some pretty bold statements being made that Apple couldn’t stop this reverse engineering from working ever in the early days of tech reporting on this.

    Even as a Android user I thought this was pretty bold claims to make as this whole walled garden is a big part of the Apple brand and they will need to protect this as they really don’t have leading software inovation and they are no longer ahead on tech advances or specs that made the first couple of iPhones ground breaking.

    Since they are a couple to a few years behind the Android features and specs, they need to protect the special brand identity above all else so I expected them to tweak things to break anything they don’t want to have happen to their systems.

    I can’t blame them at all from a business prospective. While I don’t like or enjoy their products, they had built a great brand that sells itself for those that “want to be different” but actually the same as all of their friends.

  • It’s not about being funny in that way. It’s about countering bullshit and unfortunately it can only be in small bite sized bits and to make those that spew that garbage be aware constantly it’s not accepted by others by asking the question.

    Odds are it’s those on the fence that can be swayed.

    For the rest it’s a form of Chinese water torture that will eventually get through but like you say most that need to hear it won’t and they’ll move on to things like adernochrome and liberal baby eating.

    Speaking of that, it’s odd those for having a choice to have a child or not would also eat those babies? Why would they want to not have them? It’s a steady diet of them if they are forced to have kids they don’t want?

    It’s unfortunate stupid logic questions like this are the only things that jar them enough to either act in rage or dismiss it all together in a flight response but it did chip something in the process.