So far so good
So far so good
Perfect response
I installed Mint.
It is working really well.
Not very touch screen friendly, so may change. But she mostly uses the touchpad anyway.
Na the last patch to chess was 400 years ago. I don’t think it is being actively developed anymore.
I’m not sure.
They don’t seem much more dangerous than the new breed of massive flat nosed ute’s that I see around.
If a pedestrian gets hit at any kind of speed by an ute, they are fucked.
I can’t buy one, they are not available in NZ yet. Despite what anyone else says, I like the look, it looks like the bastard child of a delorian and a countach, but in a good way.
I wouldn’t buy one despite the fact that I like it. It is far too big for NZ roads, I may have overlooked that. But I can’t overlook the fact that Elon has, for me at least, destroyed any good will that was built up. Tesla and all the people who work there have been tarred with the Nazi brush that Elon is wielding.
The only way that Tesla could claw back any respect from me (and hopefully the rest of the world) would be to oust Elon, and all his family from any decision making in the company. It will not happen so my respect for them is gone!
Ministry of truth
Life goals, don’t fuck up so bad that even Nestle wont work with you!
Well that is great news.
I killed my pebble a few years ago. I tried a few others, currently wearing a bangle.js which is ok, but it isn’t as good as my old pebble.
I see “smart home” tech the same way.
Nothing to see, this was during the weird sound.
I’m not sure if it is an issue on the PC end or the headset end.
Mint 21.3
Kernel generic
pipewire --version
Compiled with libpipewire 0.3.48
Linked with libpipewire 0.3.48
95% is a little low for a genius.
At 95%, you are the smartest in a room of 20.
Depending on if you are talking about ordinary or extraordinary genius, depending on which measure you choose ordinary genius is in the 1 in 10k range; and extraordinary genius is 100 to 1000 times rarer 1 in a million to 1 in 10 million range.
If you are sitting in a stadium of 50k, and you are the smartest person. You are still likely not and extraordinary genius.
I could see the usefulness of saying, “hey I saw this on my phone a few days ago, which site was it?”
To answer my own pondering. We could feed your browsing history to a local LLM, it could fetch a synopsis of the site and be able to answer that question very easily.
This wouldn’t require a really powerful AI model, combine this with desktop search and you have close to what MS is offering.
Ok, so my next question would be, is this a problem that needs solving?
At a long time Linux user, I’m wondering if it is useful enough to look into an open and trustworthy solution to give this a go.
I could see the usefulness of saying, “hey I saw this on my phone a few days ago, which site was it?”
Looks like there are a lot of extras available. I’ll only get one if a really good deal shows up. But it’s good to know that it is somewhat hackable.
Can you expand on the openness aspect a bit.
I got the Boox Note 3 a few years ago, because it runs Android and I could install Syncthing on it.
I didn’t realize that the remarkable was able to be accessed.
Can you install whatever you want?
He’s ideas were interesting.
But practically, he didn’t have a method to transport power without wires.
Yes, running wires is difficult. But trying to transmit power is staggeringly inefficient.
There is a massive profit motive, especially for trucking companies.
When there is enough money tho be made, it will be implemented.
It’s still limited.
All of your Linux applications are second class citizen’s.
Syncthing doesn’t always start correctly, libre office doesn’t work well.
The constant rebooting gets annoying.