My cat. Sure its not recent. But my cat 😃
My cat. Sure its not recent. But my cat 😃
Also, “line goes up” is a dick measuring contest between CEOs of different companies.
Killing them I don’t think will help. I wouldn’t forgive them. But I hope society is able to rehabilitate that person, because killing others isn’t something I believe is an accepted normal thing to do, and that person has problems that need resolving.
I guess politics is modern societies version of how to make rules in society? E.g. it’s all politics, no?
Say something dumb in an IRC channel? Get banned.
The good ol’ days when I was young and irresponsible and got banned for it. I learnt how to converse with people online through this. Talk shit, get banned. I also feel like I forgot some of this on later platforms.
I hated it at the time, but like most learning experiences, grown to appreciate it later. I can’t believe I had free and unmoderated access to the internet’s back in the early 2000s. Shout out to those mods for putting a teenager in their place!
Traudulent freason
I know of some people that never use 403, but instead opt for 404 for security reasons. 403 implies that there is something they could have access to, but don’t.
I think in some situations that this can be valid, but it shouldn’t be a crux.