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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Yes, to be specific, according to the Quran women can wear whatever in the presence of “mahram” (close relatives), meaning, parents, grandparents, kids and grandkids iirc.

    In Iran, the mahram part is rarely enforced so in practice women can wear whatever inside private homes, no matter the relationship to those present.

    Recently, women in Iran are pushing back against the Islamic clothing rules in public and step by step bending the rules. Now, what you actually need to wear vary wildly depending on exactly where in Iran you happen to be. In some parts, typically rich parts of bigger cities, it’s in practice tolerated to wear almost western-style clothing at the moment.

    I’m tired of this kind of post, as it shows what a minority of society did in the 70’s, it also simplifies women rights issues in Iran to simply clothing. Although it is a prominent part, there’s much more to it. Things like that in court, a male witness is worth two female witnesses, and men inherit twice as much as women. Rape and sexual harassment is considered the fault of the women for dressing immodestly.

  • Agree with you fully on the shortcut front, and it’s very confusing that ctrl is separate from the command key. The whole keyboard layout is also a nightmare, but this is probably because I’m in Sweden, where the Swedish mac keyboard layout is radically different from the normal Swedish keyboard layout that all other computers use. When I help out someone with programming on a mac, I always end up telling them “please press pipe” or tilde, braces, backslash, or even at-sign, as these are not printed on the keys. They are accessible through the option key, but you’ll have to test all combinations to find which one is where and memorize this.