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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • The guy who leads this group is extremely vocal (almost weirdly so) about white privilege and systemic racism. He is also white. It’s true that many AI models have white-bias. The reasons for this are multi-faceted. Our datasets are grossly imbalanced against racial minorities. I also think I understand that for some darker-skinned races, it is more difficult for the model to extract relevant features from the shitty Flickr photos they scrape for these models.

    That said, injecting words into the users prompt to force the model to generate minorities more often is an extremely naive approach. Kind of like if Google added “reddit” to all searches just because it worked for some specific test cases, but ignoring that you now no longer get any site except reddit. Probably the solution here looks like paying a lot of money for high quality datasets as well as investing in user education and more AI explainability of these tools.

  • Bro he’s saying that you’re supposed to realize how fucked up it is (and ideally be revolted) that corporations - who don’t give a shit about you or anyone else - team up to prevent bright young adults from having a career and affording to live as payback for exposing their inhumanity/making them look foolish.

    Instead you’re over here like “yeah I lick corporate boot and will gladly accept being stepped on if I get to keep my career.” This girl is a hero for standing up to the likes of cloudflare and we should all aspire to have her courage.

  • This comment is so shitty and condescending and completely devoid of intelligence. It reads the same as “Please do not invoke my white privilege as an excuse to let Trump take away my white privilege.” Liberals love to act like they care about issues but comments like these come off so self-centered. I don’t live in some fantasy world where a second Trump presidency is better than a second Biden presidency, but liberals are so adamant that it has to be Biden. Why aren’t liberals outraged that the DNC is forcing an unpopular candidate down our throats again? The most common response I see is “it’s complicated” but it’s not fucking complicated in the slightest, liberals just want to be comfortable and they’ll gladly roll over and take it from anyone who promises them to at least use lube. Yes I’m talking about you.

  • I caught her clawing the couch this morning. We just purchased a new lovesac with velvet covers, which are pretty resilient to this kind of abuse, because she is so inclined to do this. I think what happened was that she chased her little toy over to that corner and then had pent up aggression or energy that she decided to take out on that juicy couch corner. She has a scratch post on the other side of the couch because she is only very rarely on that side.

    I tried picking her up and moving her to this scratch post (she hates being picked up) and putting her paws on the scratch post, but she gave me her most pitiful meow and decided she was done clawing lol. I’ve caught her clawing the couch on the other side right next to this scratch post, so maybe this scratch post isn’t as good as the couch for some reason. We know she likes vertical scratch posts and sisal, and she’ll definitely use that one, so beyond that I’m not sure what’s wrong with it.

  • I feel like I need to step in and personally rebuke this shit. Voting absolutely does work. Showing up to vote once isn’t going to magically fix everything - it’s going to take many election cycles to reverse course. US policy doesn’t reflect the will of the people because we’ve been apathetic for so long. Saying “voting doesn’t help” implies there’s no point in voting, and not voting guarantees that we will lose our democracy. I’m sympathetic to those who have been hurt by the conservative and capitalist agenda in this country who are losing hope, but making claims like this essentially makes you an ally to the corpofascist machine.

    Please vote.