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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • i’m too autistic to care about other people’s feelings when i share my political opinions and my post history is littered with it especially since my life has also been heavily impacted by clinton enacting don’t ask don’t tell; biden extolling executive order 10450; clinton, bush jr, obama, trump and biden’s immigration policies; the country’s student loan debt situation created by biden’s student loan act; biden using the inflation reduction action to block truly affordable EV’s; and biden banning tiktok.

    i’ll save you the trouble of going through my post history and give you a tldr: both clintons & biden are shit stains in this country’s political history and have fucked me over much more than trump could ever fantasize about; even with project 2025. i also wish kamala was better so that i could vote for her, but she’s seems hellbent on make sure that i don’t; so i’m 99% sure i’ll end up voting for the green party again as i have done in the past 12 years, but this time around i’m deeply touched that nearly all of the people who know and care about me will be doing something similar thanks to my proselytizing.

  • i hate how knowledge of a place’s night spots is so esoterically known to its locals only and it makes finding a new home very difficult; as a night owl.

    like you i had grown accustomed to new york’s availability and it took a decade plus to learn where san francisco’s night spots where and it took over a year for me find a new place to live after austin. (austin is the biggest place i’ve ever lived in that shuts down after 10pm except for alcohol)

  • knowing a queer kuwaiti, russian, chinese and mexican plus my own experience in the united states have taught me that there’s atleast a bi-model reality for queers everywhere.

    anecdotally: the well connected; rich; and/or attractive queers usually don’t see much of a problem with living a queer-phobic country, citing that they can usually find a queer friendly community in their home country without much trouble.

    also anecdotally: the other queers that don’t fit into the shapes i mentioned have a bad time in their home country and their existence in the western world isn’t much different than anyone else there.

  • i felt this way too so i started therapy a while ago and that led to getting tested and diagnosed with autism.

    i was surprised since i had known and worked with autistic people and seen depictions of them on tv and movies and never guessed that i shared the same condition that they did. many people refuse to believe that i’m autistic still.

    i got that diagnosis when i first hit middle age and learning about it made me wish that i had known sooner since that knowledge would have helped A LOT in my past.

  • he looked past the asocial behavior caused by autism; the dirt poor immigrant background and sensibilities; and the entitled liberal world view to date and marry a fat, hairy, older, and poor man anyways and that was no small thing for a solidly middle class, cultured, and mainstreamly beautiful man to do in the gay world; he was a living, breathing unicorn.

    if i had my choice he would still be here by my side; but he was deported since i couldn’t sponsor him for citizenship due to doma