I wanted to but my pixel bootloader is carrier locked. Supposedly you can call and ask them to unlock it if you own the device but not sure if that’s true.
I wanted to but my pixel bootloader is carrier locked. Supposedly you can call and ask them to unlock it if you own the device but not sure if that’s true.
Yeah same. It sucks. I got into Google stuff back when Gmail was in beta and invite only. Admittedly I really only use Gmail, drive and the calendar. But the sso aspects is the part that is the hangup I think. I have so many accounts utilizing their identity provider solution.
Wow, I thought the same op. Incredible.
Thanks. I lost access to my original steam account from like 2005ish over a decade ago that had this… Awesome!
Yes, I have a wood burning fireplace just seemed like a good idea.
I’ve been using smart launcher for I don’t even know now. A decade. It’s great.
I’m flirty, thankful and sometimes say stuff I regret the next day (usually dumb jokes). Pretty good overall.
You did a good thing! alcohol can lower the shields for good or ill. Sometimes it can allow the facade we all carry about different aspects of our perceived selves to fall away and we can truly see what we need to do.
My poor wife if she gets too drunk just cries and cries. She has had such terrible loss in her family her entire life and when she drinks way too much she just sobs almost uncontrollably. It’s terrible. Because she remembers her brother, her dad, her grandpa, all gone tragically. She hasnt done that in a few years because we are getting older and drunk stupidly less but it was a thing for awhile.
Alcohol is weird man.
I usually go Spigen rugged armor. Cheap, minimal and works great. Last 4 phones I’ve used that model.
The lemmytools userscript does this.
Isolinear chips have arrived.
True! I was shocked looking at my pihole logs and see how much Firefox phones home for that crap the other day.
For example: Firefox today on my pihole.
It does the canvas anti fingerprinting with it’s letterbox style display… Is strict with cross site cookie denial. A few more differences. Check out mulls site. I found it pretty detailed in its explanations
I tried osmand~ from f droid (which is essentially the paid version) and for browsing it works great. Navigation was pretty bad however. I had a lot of issue where when I click to find a route to an address it would get stuck and never route. Also in my testing, it would take you some pretty bizarre routes where I couldn’t trust it. I am unfortunately back to Google maps that I dowloaded through the aurorastore using as anonymously as I can without any Google account on my device.
Spotify is nearing the cut point for me. Subbed since 2011. The UI is getting worse…
I’m all for this protection but for the sake of argument isn’t use of the service consent to begin with? Or is that the American argument around these types of regulation?
I’m a pihole, vpn, adblock and invidious user ftr… 😂
Neither. It’s a sorta scummy experience overall with the few actors I’ve paid the money for. At least that’s my experience. If they offer an selfie in the autograph line. That’s probably the best experience out of the paid options…
For the official photos. Your rushed through. Actor or whoever doesn’t care your there. Your meeting them for like 30 seconds. Sorta feel like your being taken for your money. ( no way?!?)Actor might say hi how are you? And then your out with an awkward photo.
My best experiences was interacting acting with them naturally by mere chance outside of the con. Or once I waited just for a free autograph with Matt Mercer and that was 200% worth it.
I work so much more efficiently at home. I’m mostly remote. Come in a couple days a month. The days I go in are trying to zone out all the office distractions. Also I have to use a hotel docking station setup that I will always have an problem with at least something about it. A sizeable portion of my day is just getting setup and into a work state. I work in software development with cloud platforms. Going into the office I know I’m gonna get fuck all done. Also the Internet is way worse on site.
However there is a few people on my team that do fuck all everyday. I keep hearing rumors that they are gonna make us come back. It’s frustrating because you know the few ones that are taking advantage are gonna be an easy excuse for management to call us in.
Yep I’m very impressed with syncthing. I just started using it a few weeks ago.
What’s amusing is I am purposely not paying for bitwarden because of the check against darkweb leaks or whatever type feature when you pay. That’s seems like an anti privacy thing. I understand it’s a good idea albeit seems to expose a lot of information about you. I would like to do vaultwarden but don’t think I can trust self hosting myself without paying monthly for a vps which I don’t want to do. Home Internet hosting seems to unreliable to me for something that important.
Just random thoughts of mine here.
Wow nostalgia. I haven’t seen this for years. Love this game growing up