• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • Valve doesn’t bother when it comes to this sorta thing. If they can’t automate it, and it requires a human, they won’t do it.
    This leads to much worse consequences - the CS2 and DOTA2 communities are toxic cesspools. These games which actively require good communication are filled with the most vile racist sexist everything-phobic people (and kids!) you’ve ever seen. It’s the wild west of the Internet, like 4 Chan. It’s been like this for years, and it will continue like this because handling that isn’t something they can automate, and hiring people costs money…

  • I finally lost it with all the spoon-feeding and the hand-holding during missions, and when daddy rockstar did not like it when I did not play EXACTLY how they wanted me to, standing in the wrong spot - mission failed, try a different strategy - mission failed, jumped directly outside Danbury’s window - guess what - mission failed because Danbury just had a divine vision and destroyed the documents in a second. Fuck this shit.

    I’m not necessarily with you on the other points. I guess I’m used to NPCs only spewing generic, canned lines. But this sucks so much. Huge issue imo.

  • I have a hot take on this one. I actively try not to. I disagree with the concept itself. When it comes to buying their art, why would I do that if I don’t like the artist, why would I support them that way?
    When it comes to seeing their art as their ideas/ideology/etc, if I don’t like them I probably don’t exactly because I disagree with their ideas, so again it doesn’t make sense to me.

  • Do you disagree with those statements? Do you need to see evidence before you’ll believe them?\

    I disagree with them.
    Higher life expectancy - I wouldn’t attribute that to capitalism. Further more life expectancy in the US is declining afaik.
    Less war - What do you mean? There’s a war in Ukraine, one in Palestine, and there’s been perpetual war since …forever. The US war machine always bombs some country, assassinates a democratically elected leader, etc.
    Better quality of life - For the 1% at the expense of all the others maybe.

    Capitalism is all about profits, not about better products, better quality of life, etc. In fact it’s easily against those things if they get in the way of profit. You can see enshittification everywhere.
    For example it would be against their interest for a pharmaceutical company to sell the permanent cure for a disease instead of life-long medical treatment. The latter would be subscription-based therefore create more profit. The cancer comparison is quite fitting imo.