AdNauseum. Built on uBlock Origin.
Block all the ads so you never seem them, but click them all so the advertisor pays.
Barrhaven denizen
AdNauseum. Built on uBlock Origin.
Block all the ads so you never seem them, but click them all so the advertisor pays.
spam, spam, spam, eggs, spam, spam, unspam, and spam
from every possible thing that can happen to you while smoking…
cancer while smoking COVID while smoking caught in fascist riots while smoking hit by bus while smoking bear attack while smoking container dropped from a plane while smoking etc
Smoking puts you out in the world which increases a lot of risks you wouldn’t otherwise have.
never put salt in your eyes
Space Avalanche. Sadly stopped after a few years, it was great, although I didn’t care much for this one.
Buddha has no need for mouse, keyboard, or cpu. Nor even power or data cables for his monitor. He’s just looking at a black screen.
now do US and Chinese oil companies…