Out of pure curiosity, can I ask: what does this setup bring you? On top of a 2x27" setup or a 34"/38"/42"/etc ultrawide, for example?
Dad, programmer, runner, boulderer and overall tech enthusiast! :)
Out of pure curiosity, can I ask: what does this setup bring you? On top of a 2x27" setup or a 34"/38"/42"/etc ultrawide, for example?
This is absolute gold. Thanks for sharing
So would you say that is unjust, seeing the massive effects and repercussions of this on society as a whole? As a father of a young girl I’m very happy to see more attention on this by news media.
I don’t know if this fits your use case (you didn’t describe what you want to achieve in detail), but commands that can possible help if the screen did lock (or turn off):
loginctl unlock-screen
kscreen-doctor --dpms on