• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023

  • maybe try to find a linux user group near where you live. if there is one, usually you get help there, but its usually kinda different sort of help, you don’t get “the solution” to get your personal whishes come true ready prepared in bite-sized piezes for easy consumption but just the help by advices or suggestions that those there can give you or directly would try out.

    open source is about sharing knowledge and todays mainstream OS distributions are way more complicated than long ago so the learning curve to adjust things in ways the distribution didn’t prepare (which is often a lot) might be high but always worth a try at least for the learning.

    for a lightweight desktop environment that is somehow similar to the old windows98, i’ld say give XFCE a try. i think on debian/ubuntu trying out could be as easy as installing the xfce (or xfce4?) package (or maybe an xfce4-desktop-environment paclage) i don’t remember the exact package name but there is one meta package that depends on all needed stuff, i did it like 4 years ago… when installed you could try it by logging in and (your distro should have a login manager that allows this, or you’ld have to change that too) choosing xfce as desktop environment at login time, thus if you don’t like it, logout again and login with the other again.

    i am using xfce because it is clean, lightweight, it does its job, does not invent new unneeded features every few month (like it felt when i used kde long ago) and is adjustable enough for me. i removed the lower task bar and put the open windows components into the bar above adjustedbthat a bit, thats basically what i changed and i think it is quite similar to what win98 was (but thats not the reason for me to have it that way)

    also, it is possible to change the window manager (that handles how windows are placed), the desktop manager (like task bar, application menu, maybe widges, logout buttons) and of course also one could change x.org to wayland and back without changing the other components. the login window could come from gnome project but after login one could use a complete different projects toolset.

    “can” does not mean that every distro makes that an easy task. also mixing things will likely end in a fuller disk for lots of “needed” components that are maybe mostly unused. (i think i once used gnome but installed kde only for their printing dialog *lol)

    when using the big distributions it is likely that no 3rd party downloads are needed to try other window managers or desktop environments, maybe search for such keywords in aptitude , apt search, or such. but new fancy stuff also often first comes from unknown 3rd party websites (or git*.com which is the same security risk as 3rd party websites) before it gets into main repositories after years (or maybe even never)

    Closest thing I found was TwisterOS. […] and the fan in my case stops working. Aye-yi-yi!

    maybe “TwisterOS” tries to invent air movement by software? it might be a random unrelated incident and the fan is simply broken, it might also be that it enabled some fan control and the fan would start if you only heat up the system enough which might not happen with a lightweight distro and the maybe not cpu consuming programs you use (?). “stress” is a program that could artificially create such cpu consumption for testing (but with a broken fan it might be not a good idea to actively and unnecesarily heat up the cpu, but also cpus usually have failsafe shutdown mechanisms so they dont overheat but that might be like a sudden power down so maybe expect unsaved work to just vanish) another test could be to just give the fan another power source and see what happens, and put abother fan that works in place to see if that changes something

  • i plan to get a similar setup (music on homeserver, synced to phone for offline use) but i dont need to sync playlists as i rarely use them, i have a streaming account with one(!) playlist with all the songs i remembered and wanted to listen to but didn’t buy as CD back then and use the radio like streaming options a lot.

    but for syncing phone with nextcloud i use FolderSync (Pro) and it works as it should. it has lots of possible sync targets and lots of options to sync one or both ways. i have folders with >8000 files that take some time to sync but it works fine in the background with no prob, i let it sync over mobile network too, cz i value a more reliable in-sync status more than bandwidth. however i didn’t really try “immediate sync” for new/changed files yet as i don’t see the need for this but its one of many options.

    however i only use nextcloud sync in one or two-way syncs and once used sftp for a one-way sync, so i cannot judge all the other options, but if your playlists are organized in files, their two-way sync might be as easy as with the songs. i bought the pro version on their website so my license is not bound to a google account.

  • i am from the west and perceive the west as an ever-ongoing aggressor and war driver full of poisonous lies and false promises even against their own people. some of those war driver regimes even have monuments that publicly show-off their inner and outer brutish lawlessness to never give back to their rightful owner a once stolen land.

    i perceive countries that took land by force and did’t give it back to their rightful owners for decades as invadors, no matter how much they like to see themselves as the “help” against “other” invadors. in fact just wanting to be seen as the good ones for things they do worse in other places actually makes them even worse again.

    i don’t see russia to ‘like’ to invade, in fact they have left countries before, something other invaders don’t do. in fact russia sometimes even sells countries for cheap amount of money to nations that still lack civilisation and need to develop themselves to become civilised (like to actually abolishing slavery or such), i guess that selling that country to a slavery-liking nation was russia’s biggest crime until today.

    also if russia really 'like’s to invade, they’ld already have done it way earlier in ukraine, and in general way more often, maybe as often as the us does and maybe then finding the same foul excuses like the us always does, but what i perceive instead is a LOT of propaganda in the west, so that i genuinely cannot really tell lots about russia these days but only about the crimes the regime here obviously commits inside as well as outside.

    getting their asses handed to them

    Are you talking about hawaii? that was not “handing” to the us, that was afaik forced by terror from the US against the hawaiian nation to surrender to the biggest threat to them and since then.

  • maybe there was a mixup of individual datapoints and individual persons.

    lets see if that could fit.

    as far as i read things in this thread, the whole security is based on exactly these datapoints: Full Name, Date of Birth and SSN (three datapoints) plus username and password for 3 sites (six datapoints) makes 3+6= 9 datapoints per person.

    2.9 billion (us) should be 2.900.000.000 (correct me if i’m wrong, but where i live one “billion” is actually “” thus a “bit” more)

    divided by 9 those 2.9billion would be ~ 320 million.

    on wikipedia they say the us had 331 million people in 2020…

    that would fit like an ass on a bucket! lol just to mention that.

    have a nice day!

  • What’s the alternative to ads, though? Not everyone wants to (or can afford to) pay for every site they use.

    its not about paying for the site a user uses, its about paying those who run the site (and less to pay for someone only “managing” the site by doing actually nothing)

    maybe these could be alternatives:

    • patreon
    • flattr
    • micropayment in general
    • donations (somafm runs on donations)
    • link to shopping platforms (musicians on somafm mostly have links to the songs on amazon that you see while playing the song for free)
    • communities, like FSF, local groups
    • some small payed supporter part (like lwn.net) while the important stuff that makes the win-win of the site is free to use
    • maybe the list from this page can help too: https://kinsta.com/de/blog/patreon-alternativen/ Kickstarter Indiegogo Podia Sellfy Buy Me a Coffee Memberful Hypage Ko-fi Substack Kajabi Gumroad WooCommerce Mighty Networks MemberPress Uscreen

    maybe even a combination of multiple of those *whoa!!! mindblow!!! could be a good choice to allow usersvto choose how to contribute.

    so really only choosing to offer exactly one option that also puts all users at a real risk of real attacks where they can get ripped off of all or lots of their real money and data for the sake if earning 0.003 ¢ per each putting them at high risk is not really what should be done, or do you personally profit from their users high risk and are thus completely okay with it? hope not.

    if you have to earn money with your project or whatever, why not offer several options to choose from? why only one? and while we’re at it, offering an ad-free “membership” for 400 times the price of what they would earn by the same visitor with ads like they try here sometimes, does not make any platform look good, but the opposite.

    there are many platforms that i would pay for monthly and i would spend much more money alltogether than now on that if their price would not be artificially pushed into astronomically heights per service…

    there is one project where i do donate each month a little bit via recurring bank transfer since years. my transfer says the name of the project and “donation” thats pretty easy to setup for both sides, but too complicated for those who pay designers money so they can place the ad layers on top of the 400 other layers of spypixels and navigation controls… really ? lol*

    if those you are talking about cannot afford to have a bank account for some reason, i guess they also cannot receive the revenue of ads on their webpages ;+)

    saying there are no alternatives to ads is rather a candidate for the lamest excuse award ;-)

  • its not just ads and malware, and its not only about beeing sorry for them. ads are also manipulating how people think. not only the obvious things like “that product is good”, but also that products in general would help (with problems you didn’t have). and the format itself of ads (even without considering its contents) already has a changing effects on the minds of those who watch it. i am thinking of some parts of neil postmans thoughts about television back then and i guess there is plenty of possibilities to make a realistic conspiracy theory out of it why exactly the most poisonous parts of television are replicated to the internet with massive force even though everyone ignores ads in the net. i like theories

    unfortunately, feeling sorry for them does not help society to stability. 😥

  • smb@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat's your favourite country and why?
    1 month ago


    • no bad politics
    • no wars so far
    • people there are mainly interested in science
    • no economic abuse or exploitation
    • pinguins!
    • no air conditioning needed to survive the summer.
    • winter is offline time, visitors won’t arrive or leave then.
    • last place to stay cool during boomers heritage “heat death of our planet”

    well sure, it has downsides too. Next Rollercoaster park is -tbh- unreachable, internet connection is sloo.oo…oow (or did they already finish the submarine fibre cable?) and sunbathing basically only brings you frost bites (if you’re lucky).

    However i am not planning to migrate there.

  • we are a tech company. we had several floors in two near but separate buildings. we had as many toilets for woman as we had for men. basically each floor had one for woman and one for men which had a pissoir too. as we had > 90% men, mens toilets always had a waiting line after lunch time (not for the pissoir, however). on one floor the only woman was a trainee who (normal here) often had to go to school for 3weeks in a row, that was when men just used womens toilet as there was no woman to use it on the floor and the other woman on the other floor of that building literally had her very own toilet to share with no one. (rest of all the woman happened to work in the other building)

    then the company started to build its own building to leave the rental situation and at the same time to better longterm meet some necessarities that come along with the market niche that the company serves. (there are some laws regulating some physical aspects of the building for our services.)

    one if the promises was, that the “toilet situation” would be improved with the new building.

    the new building then had larger toilets on each floor. the space was then used to still have one toilet for men, but now there were two pissoirs! and two large sinks just for washing hands. yay! womens bathroom now have 3 toilets on each floor each and also the large sinks too. same amount of toilets for 90% of empleyee, the 10% have now triple number toilets they had before and double the space for washing, using mirror etc.

    The woman basically gets her own.

    exactly, and when men don’t have enough toilets, women actually gets build more of them to “statistically” solve the problem !! 🤣

  • Cold fusion is right around the corner!

    i thought they’re already at “triple cold² fusion++” ;-)

    yet these are never make it to market.

    my personal favorite (but not a battery) were two different fake news about fans without any moving parts, one with electricity, conductors and shapes only, the other using ultrasonic somehow, how cool were these lies !!!


    “RSD5 is the culmination of six years of research by Dan Schlitz and Vishal Singhal of Thorrn Micro Technologies”

    “Six years of research”, such a cool “product” and now that linked thorrn domain is for sale, how bad!! the world will never profit from their super “cool” invention !!!

    “today” other bladeless fans (based on ultrasonic freqs) were anounced: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1471374-not-a-big-fan-new-solid-state-cooler-can-blow-air-with-no-moving-parts/ (“Frore is expecting to start shipping units in Q1 of next year.” which was news from 2022) but did you hear about that cool product beeing shipped yet? i would have, i’m somehow sure, but somehow i didn’t. maybe the “units” they wanted to ship were just something else *lol That article also says: “Frore Systems hasn’t announced any actual computers featuring its Airjet solid-state coolers. But the company is already in partnership with the likes of Intel […]” no actual result, but already partners like intel (intel, how does’nt that already fit !!)

    The same nonexisting effect (fan without moving parts), abused (at least) twice. (i’ll just ignore those “bladeless fans” here that officially just have hidden “propellers”) but military says “twice” is already a scheme…

    why should it be different for batteries?

    if they produce batteries THAT good, they would never sell them but make them available only for rent, to maximise their(!) ROI (and not yours). so i guess it’s yafn - yet another fake news. i might still be wrong however, but i also like to be on the safe side of predictions ;-)

    a theory: the richies offsprings startups desperately need other lies than their parents and grandparents who already used up nearly all language-allowed possible lies (as well as nonverbal lies, just watch tv for a while to see it in action) to distract people, companies and govs to ‘invest’ in them instead of i.e. in the future or in the nation, thus new nonexistant technologies is what the richies offspring found best to be their lies about.

  • like i said:

    maybe the root-cause is […] the total lack of any consequences

    but you used much more words ;-)

    “publicly traded” does not imply that consequences would be impossible.

    i see the opposite is true.

    one could make that “public trade” also “very” public as in ownerships could only be changed together with a public note of who that new owner of that share is in person and only like not allow ownership changes more than twice a week per person, making investment more profitable than parasitic high performance trade. also the current lack of consequences could be improved by making the shareholders personally responsible for everything that the company does, including going to jail when the ceo left the country to not go there.

    that could include making those responsible who owned that company at the time of its crime, making trust in the company way more important than that they can cause damage to society in macroscope just to profit in microscopical bits.

    this way the shareholders would have a at least one trigger to actually want to look into who that bullshittalker is they want to let into such a position of “their property”

    society should take care who they let do things with “their property” too.