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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s available but not flourishing last I checked. Just to be clear I’m not denigrating it at all, I desperatelywant it to flourish. I pay for nebula, too, as well as patreon for many of my preferred creators, in the hopes that they can explore alternatives to YouTube. Hell, I pay for floatplane and dropout too, as much as I hate the fractured environment it’s creating, I want the most direct way to support the content I watch, but YouTube is almost certainly still my most watched platform

  • It certainly is. ISO 27001 is a framework, not very prescriptive at all. Basically an auditor will ask “how do you ensure data isn’t leaving your facility in the form of discarded hardware?” If you say “here’s a link to our media destruction policy. It says all drives are wiped according to NIST 800-88 cryptographic erasure. If that is not possible or not applicable, the drive is destroyed. Here’s our log of decomissioned equipment” chances are very good they’ll say “OK great let’s move on to the next one” with only minor followup questions.

  • You sure did. It’s a clause that describes one reason to support the idea that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. It’s not a limiting statement on the right to bear arms and how it should be infringed.

    The intent of the amendment is and always has been that of self protection - the government is not responsible for protecting your person, you are. The tools you use to protect yourself are called arms. The right to have, carry, and use those tools isn’t granted to us by the government, it’s an inalienable right inherent to being human.

    There are already massive restrictions within the state of California on who can carry a firearm either concealed or open, where firearms can be carried, and how they can be carried. These new regulations are not intended to improve the public safety, they’re intended to prevent those who have already jumped through countless hoops registering, proving themselves, and gaining explicit authorization to carry weapons, from exercising their right to self defense and from being able to choose how they can protect themselves. It’s intended to make us more dependent on a police force that continues to prove itself ineffective and largely corrupt.

    No children are being saved by this law.