Fuck it we ball

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • People who think like this, miss two important points in my opinion:

    1. If you have a dogshit diet it’s not going to be a “happy life full of tasty food” it’s going to be an absolytely miserable existence, filled to the brim with stomach problems, skin problems, awful sleep schedule, variety of diseases and feeling bad in general

    2. You don’t need a nutrient paste to eat healthy - you just need a balanced dier. That means that shouldn’t eat absolute garbage and not “overconsume” anything. Eat veggies, dairy, treat yourself to meat once in a while and you golden. The only actually hard thing it requires is some work - you need to actively seek recipes, spend some time at the store to find good products or even spend some time to find a good local shop that actually sells food and some processed garbage from supermarket, and eat mostly cooked at home stuff.

    But for me personally it is worth it. I would much rather eat some backed veggies with a glass of milk and tasty fruits for a dessert in the evening, than go to a dirty cramped place and eat shitty cardboard-like dog food that they serve at McDs

  • what are trying to hide from?

    From the goverment (not US one). I need proxy for basically accessing many normal sites (like spotify, or twitter for example) that are banned in my country.

    just because you’ll pay in crypto doesn’t mean you won’t be linked to that transaction

    Well, I’ve heard some info about crypto not being completely anonymous, but I think it would be much harder to trace, than a credit card that has my name and adress on it.

    there are many other non-crypto options

    I’m honestly open to discover those.

    you can pick a country that doesn’t give a fuck about it, and if all else fails, go there and pay in cash

    My VPS is now in netherlands. No way in hell I can travel there in reasonable amount of time and money. And I’m pretty sure no VPS providers that are accessible to me allow to pay in cash.

    I hear what you are saying, but cryptocurrency route is for now, for me the most optimal way to atleast somewhat up my security. Again, if you have any methods to pay online anonymously (and that works not just in the US) I’m all ears.