• RedFox
    74 months ago

    You remember how all the US politicians are funded by the same huge corporations and rich people who all benefit from the regulators doing nothing but pretending to care?

    Remember how the politicians pander to Americans by blaming rich people for all of life’s problems and saying they’ll make them pay their fair share, but those politicians have multiple houses and blatantly conduct insider trading every day, but Americans still vote for them time after time?

    I’d like to say you could just not use their products, but that means you have to replace windows with some other os, not buy a major manufacturer cell phone, or do much else 🤷

    • @dohpaz42@lemmy.world
      54 months ago

      This right here. It is so far gone, and deeply entrenched into how society works at fundamental levels, that it is impossible to avoid any mega corporations and their influence on how we live (not just tech companies too).

      I know that pointing fingers does nothing to help, but this really is Reagan’s fault with his so-called trickle down economics.

    • Dark ArcA
      14 months ago

      Remember how the politicians pander to Americans by blaming rich people for all of life’s problems and saying they’ll make them pay their fair share

      That’s a minority of US politicians and you know it. Not to mention it’s a minority of a minority of those politicians that get elected.

      We got exactly what we voted for and that’s the truly maddening thing.

      Part of that is definitely manipulation of representation (i.e. gerrymandering) but not all of it.

      • RedFox
        14 months ago

        Now that I think about it, Johnny Harris did a really good report about insider trading by Congress.

      • RedFox
        14 months ago

        The comment was meant to be syndical and sarcastic.

        Of course it’s not representative of the entirety.

        But it does express my frustration with political hypocrisy and insider trading. I think you’d be hard-pressed to find me any politicians that haven’t engaged in that at some point, to some degree. One of the famous ones that comes to mind is Nancy pelosi, but she is not alone, and this is not particular to one party or another, they both definitely engage in it, it’s been well documented and is irrefutable.

        If you look past one party or another, you’d see that it’s a broken system. The fact that it’s legal for our elected representatives to conduct in activities that would otherwise be illegal for the general population is outrageous, and the fact that we all know they do it and they are the only ones that can control it in police themselves is also outrageous. It’s the only self-serving career that I can think of that is completely unchecked, has unlimited benefits for only 4 years of service, and the only ones that can control it or police it is themselves.