Some of Mozilla’s other projects are good, iirc there was a journalist a few years ago who chronicled how Mozilla had donated a lot of money to other charities unrelated to it’s goal rather than reinvesting in the business so that it can try to ween off of Google reliance.
Firefox gets like 90% of its revenue from Google.
Keep Firefox independent and donate:
But donating your money can not make firefox independent.It will only make firefox more revenue.
Google wants to keep mozilla afloat to stay out of anti-competitive allegations.
If mozilla gets market share, google will defund them. That mozilla have a money will help.
Also mozilla’s other projects are also good ;)
Some of Mozilla’s other projects are good, iirc there was a journalist a few years ago who chronicled how Mozilla had donated a lot of money to other charities unrelated to it’s goal rather than reinvesting in the business so that it can try to ween off of Google reliance.
And the money won’t go to Firefox, but Mozilla’s other projects.