The vegan community is growing on the lemmyverse now at 110 registered users that makes a MAU of 69 (0.15%) of the 44.9k Lemmy userbase.

If we apply the 90-9-1 rule with rounding factored in, we would have 55 lurkers, 5 small contributors and 1 contributor. has 39 users, 7 communities, 533 posts, 376 comments and 18 6mo active users. Started on 24-05-09. has 71 users, 13 communities, 1200 posts, 2500 comments and 51 6mo active users. Started on 24-04-10.

! has 106 posts, 110 comments, 83 subscribers and 671 6mo visitiors.

! has 388 posts, 1300 comments, 310 subscribers and 2500 6mo visitors.

Here are the signup pages if you’re interested: and both are anarchist.

    3 days ago

    Contrary point of view here. I’m not vegan, not even vegetarian, but reduced my animal produce consumption a lot (not that I consumed much anyway) and am always looking for further alternatives that are possible within my personal circumstances. However, what I’ve seen on Lemmy (and other social media, such as Reddit) regarding vegans, was highly militant and toxic people who spew nonsense and hostility towards anyone who is not vegan. Generally what you’d describe as veganazi or whatever. Seeing things like that definitely does not cause me wanting to join or even lurk such communities and is really just confirming the stereotypes being shared by certain trolls.