One of my new friends is/was a cop. Just found out about it. I genuinely believe ACAB, and this news has me conflicted because my new friend seems really cool and super nice. I don’t know him super well yet, though. He’s a big part of this new friend group and I don’t know how to process this and how to deal with the fact he’s a cop.
I don’t want to look past the fact he’s a cop, but I want to stay his friend and stay in this friend group.
Any advice for dealing with this shit?
I can’t talk to my therapist about it until Thursday.
Seems like maybe reality is at odds with a generalization. Maybe every cop is not a bastard, every landlord is not an oppressive monster, and every person who makes more money than you is not a net drain on society.
Maybe you have just discovered something rare and elusive: nuance.
This post reads like a lefty caricature by someone hard right, esp the last sentence.
Thanks for some sanity here. Some of these comments are really bizarre.
Look, I get that the system is shitty and corrupt. I don’t condone that and I agree it needs to change. But that doesn’t mean that every single individual is a terrible person. Some people are too chronically online to understand that life is not black and white.