Considering how much fascism is on the rise globally and the results in the latest US election, most people do not in fact recognize fascism. Nor see it as the threat it is
It’s good that you do this, but other people need to learn to recognize it for themselves. I don’t see why images likes this would hurt. The only evil many of these people committed was not thinking for themselves and taking a moral stand. Instead, they got by as best as they could.
I’m not trying to excuse them, but understand them, and that’s part of the problem right now. The current crop of right-wing idealogs think that nobody understands them, except for people like Donald Trump. That’s why the democrats lost.
Ask the people you label as fascists what they are upset about. Listen with empathy and not judgement. When I’ve done this, many are not as far right as they think.
It’s not enough to judge people as fascists. Anyone who agrees with you is likely in an echo chamber, and those who disagree with you are in another one. This is what it means to know your enemy
Speak for yourself.
Considering how much fascism is on the rise globally and the results in the latest US election, most people do not in fact recognize fascism. Nor see it as the threat it is
People still do not call russia a nazi state despite the obvious either.
I do. I have. Hence my previous comment.
Ugh, why did I ever bother replying to such a dick?
I’ve been calling out this fascism for years. Not sure how that makes me a dick, but okay.
Maybe it’s not enough for you to call it out.
It’s good that you do this, but other people need to learn to recognize it for themselves. I don’t see why images likes this would hurt. The only evil many of these people committed was not thinking for themselves and taking a moral stand. Instead, they got by as best as they could.
I’m not trying to excuse them, but understand them, and that’s part of the problem right now. The current crop of right-wing idealogs think that nobody understands them, except for people like Donald Trump. That’s why the democrats lost.
People can only learn to recognize fascism if other people point to it and describe it where it exists.
But that’s not enough. Please tell me what more I should be doing.
Ask the people you label as fascists what they are upset about. Listen with empathy and not judgement. When I’ve done this, many are not as far right as they think.
It’s not enough to judge people as fascists. Anyone who agrees with you is likely in an echo chamber, and those who disagree with you are in another one. This is what it means to know your enemy
Great, I’ll make sure to “understand” while they’re rounding people up and putting them into camps.
Be the change you want to see in the world
Because you aren’t in a society made of people, its just you and your decisions here apparently.
You know all about me, don’t you?
Calm yourself, little droplet. It is not your movement alone that makes the waves.
Sanctimonious is more like it
You recognizing it isn’t enough. We need more people to recognize it too, dipshit.
What do you want, a medal?