This isn’t new science because I learned this is cognitive psychology in 2003
This isn’t new science because I learned this is cognitive psychology in 2003
In fact, that’s core to the concept of an “image” at the most abstract level
You mean like in Toys
Because it requires computing power from the GPU to translate the terrain into an image of the terrain. They’re using your local GPU for that since GPUs are expensive, and also it minimizes latency between control input and view update. If you turn the camera you want that new view immediately, not 200ms later.
In the US, ISPs are government-enforced monopolies.
I literally do not care about getting more members. It is not on my radar at all as a goal or desirable thing or objective.
I just discovered this morning that my nephew is a noob then.
This actually perfectly fits. He’s been homeless. Let him stay with me. He got a job pretty quick. But today, his fourth day, he was late because he set his alarm for 7:30 instead of 6:30.
I’ve been unconsciously treating him as a newb, because he acts like a teenager. It just automatically activates a father instinct for me.
But he’s almost 30. He’s had plenty of time to figure this shit out.
We went and got groceries last night. He bought almost nothing but simple carbs. Most of that coming from straight sugar. Like, fruit punch drinks and shit. He eats like a six year old at a candy store.
Well, not quite that bad. But bad. And his health is fucked up. He sees no connection between subsisting on simple carbs and having health problems, addiction, etc.
I can’t cite studies off the top of my head, but I would wager each step of this is supported:
Of those two steps, which do you doubt more?
I’m autistic so your mileage may vary with this advice, but:
Just make certain visual elements from the OS part of the context trigger for your skills.
“command-W” to close a tab becomes “ctrl-W”.
“command-right” to switch to next tab becomes “ctrl-shift-pageup” (that one works on mac too).
Each of those commands already exists in a context in your brain, such as “when in a web browser”, so just make the operating system part of that context. You can use visual cues for your subconscious to pay attention to, to activate the context. Like, the top bar or even the fonts of the operating system can be your visual cue.
It is possible, in my experience, to answer your question.
Cuddling is being the big spoon, snuggling is being the small spoon.
Cuddling is holding someone. Snuggling is burrowing into them.
Capitol Hill
Recovering from concussions.
I’m getting better at it, I think.
So like the way they blind enemies with a tactical flashlight?
Please show me the science your question is based on
protein+fat+carbs = the macronutrients
The environment that we live in is more fertile now that we’ve got more CO2 in the atmosphere.
More people die of cold than of heat.
I’d say our environment is A-OK with us burning oil.
Is your question based in science?
SpaceX insisted on fixed price contracts. Unlike the other companies doing cost-plus contracts (aka unlimited money contracts), SpaceX sets a price on government services and then delivers for that price.
Billionaire here.
The real problem is the same problem every rich person has: once you surround yourself with yes-men, you lose contact with reality.
Now that I control the zeitgeist through media messaging, I have no idea what’s going on.
I try to stay out of my own fart cloud with psychedelic drugs, but really there’s no substitute for real struggle in terms of ennobling one’s soul.
Just compare the beauty of a tiger to the awkward lines of a pug. As an extremely rich person, the only thing I have to fight are my own demons, and nobody can relate to those.