How many optional organs does this poor guy have?
This person knows how to English.
Go to hospital? No thanks, finish what you started. Take my other organs, lady.
(for medical reasons, I doubt anybody would actually want my organs though)
Maybe people who like foie gras.
This implies they may have non-medical reasons for them and I’m curious.
A person’s gotta eat.
Bad wording on my part, I meant a general and underlying chronic defect (like bad collagen) rather than situational/habitual damage.
Unfun reminder that chloroform doesn’t work like portrayed in the movies. It takes about five minutes of inhalation to cause incapacity. And it’s very dangerous as it has a plethora of side effects that make it not used in medicine since the beginning of the last century.
reminds me of charlie
Candy mountain, Charlie!
i think she had sex with him