Mine is mapping. I am a big OpenStreetMap contributor and I have mapped many towns near me that were previously completely unmapped.
Mine is mapping. I am a big OpenStreetMap contributor and I have mapped many towns near me that were previously completely unmapped.
I really had to think just to come up with nothing lol
I get REALLY into something for 2 weeks then I drop it and never look back. I was into minerals/mineralogy for a few years I guess, but I’m not all that knowledgeable. I just really like copper bearing minerals like dioptase and azurite.
I joke that my real hobby is shopping for my new hobby but it’s not really a joke is it
God, this is so me. If I had to pick one, I’d say writing/story telling, but I’ll never be able to finish writing a book or a script because 2 months is basically my max
Hobby collecting!