This has probably come up before but do you think it is taught or necessary to look over your shoulder to check blindspot when changing lanes on the motorway?

I just need to add an edit. I’m specifically referring to looking over your shoulder on a motorway. Checking mirrors and blindspot is not under question

    2 months ago

    You are 100% responsible for where your vehicle is moving, that includes any blindspots. If you have a blindspot you MUST check it before moving into the space. So turn your head!

    Sit in your car, physically, in real life. Have a friend take a bunch of traffic cones, or trash cans. Look forward, don’t move your head, using your mirrors only. Have your friend walk around your vehicle, putting down a cone when you can’t see them, and another cone when you can start to see them again… If there was any point where you couldn’t see your friend, that is a blind spot which you MUST check.