I heard a bunch of explanations but most of them seem emotional and aggressive, and while I respect that this is an emotional subject, I can’t really understand opinions that boil down to “theft” and are aggressive about it.

while there are plenty of models that were trained on copyrighted material without consent (which is piracy, not theft but close enough when talking about small businesses or individuals) is there an argument against models that were legally trained? And if so, is it something past the saying that AI art is lifeless?

  • Libb@jlai.lu
    2 months ago

    I heard a bunch of explanations but most of them seem emotional and aggressive, and while I respect that this is an emotional subject, I can’t really understand opinions that boil down to “theft” and are aggressive about it.

    Why the anger?

    How do you earn a living yourself? Or even better, what is your most precious hobby? Whatever it is that you love doing for the love of it (that’s the definition of a hobby) try imagining being told one day, out of the blue: ‘Guys, my fancy but completely soulless computer can do as good as many of you. And it can do it in seconds. Wanna compete?

    Now, imagine it’s your job and not your hobby, the way you earn your living (and pay your rent/mortgage and those always more expensive bills) and imagine being told 'That way you used to earn a living? It’s gone now. It instantly vanished in a magical cloud of 1 and 0s. This AI-thing can do in mere seconds something that would take you weeks and it can do it well enough that quite many of your customers may not want to spend (a lot more) money to pay you for doing the exact same job even if you do it much better. How happy would you feel about that?

    So, yeah, like you said it’s kinda ‘emotional’ topic…

    is there an argument against models that were legally trained?

    Being 100% sure there exists such a database that contains no stolen creation, and then that AIs were indeed restricted to it for their training is already something worth debating and doubting (the second it is not open source), imho.

    There had been a similar problem a few centuries ago, when photography first appeared many painters rightfully considered photography a threat to their business model as one could have their portrait (edit: or have a picture of a landscape) made in mere minutes (it was a longer than that, early days photography was far from being as quick as we know it but you get the idea).

    What happened to them and their practice?

    1. Some painters had to find rich sponsors that were OK to pay in order to get a portrait that would be more unique than a pĥotography (I know what I would prefer between having my photo taken by even a decent photographer or, say, a painted portrait made by Sargent), others found niche domains were to could still earn a living, while others simply went out of business.
    2. Others decided painting could be much more than just being realistic like it (mostly) was before photography became a thing and they quickly started offering us amazing new kind of paintings (impressionism, abstract painting, cubism, expressionism,…)

    And here we are in the XXI century. Painting is still doing fine in its own way (exposed in art galleries and in the home of rich people). There is also a lot more hobbyist painters that will paint all they can including realistic scenes no matter how much ‘better’ a photo could be. They don’t care. Next to those, there are many photographers taking countless photos (many of which being worthless too), some of them trying (and many failing) to earn a living selling them.

    is it something past the saying that AI art is lifeless?

    Maybe it will get better, most probably it will, but so far I feel real sad for people that are unable to see, to feel and to understand how lifeless and how clueless AI art is.

    Edit: typos (yeah, this was handwritten without the help of any AI :p)

    • MTK@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago

      I get what you are saying. But does it not sound like the horse farmers when the car came out? It sucks, I don’t blame artists for fighting it and for hating it, but isn’t it inevitable that it will happen to most jobs at some point? I work in cyber security, and it would suck a lot once AI gets good enough to start taking me out of business, but I also accept that it is inevitable and the solution of fighting against technological advances has rarely worked historically.

      • Libb@jlai.lu
        2 months ago

        But does it not sound like the horse farmers when the car came out?

        but I also accept that it is inevitable

        Look where we’re heading as regard to pollution (to which all our engines are not a little factor) and ask yourself: would have we known what we know today, was this ‘inevitable’ path we decided to follow (ultimately it was a choice, nothing more: the choice of using much cheap(er) energy and workforce as a way to gain more power/money faster) was it really the smartest one? Or should we have tried to follow another less obvious path but maybe less destructive? Destructive, like AI is in regard to the OP question but it obviously is not limited to AI.

        fighting against technological advances has rarely worked historically.

        That’s one of the most glaring lie (not yours, I mean it in a general way) in regard to tech: criticizing it or one of its form is not being ‘against tech’. It’s a critic of tech and/or a refusal of a certain type of tech. The choice is not between '‘using tech’ and ‘being a caveman’. It’s about questioning the way we use tech (to do what? Do we really need machines to do creative work?), how we control it (who decide what it’s allowed to do and how it is trained), and who owns it (who get all the money? Not the artists they were trained upon, obviously). And who controls all of that?

        Also, keep in mind that exactly like AI or the smartphone are considered ‘high tech’ today, the horse and the cart were also considered high-tech back in their days. Do you think their users were hostile to tech? I don’t think so ;)

        • MTK@lemmy.worldOP
          2 months ago

          Interesting thought about the lie, I guess sometimes it’s hard to determine what is a criticism against a use case of a tech and what is criticism against the tech itself.

          • Libb@jlai.lu
            2 months ago

            Interesting thought about the lie, I guess sometimes it’s hard to determine what is a criticism against a use case of a tech and what is criticism against the tech itself.

            Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s perfectly fine to criticize ‘the tech itself’. What would you say about a tech that would allow a government or anyone for that matter to read your most intimate thoughts just by pointing some device toward you? Would you be ok for that tech to be used (say, hoping that it will be used only against ‘perverts’ and ‘terrorists’ in order to punish them for crimes they have not yet committed and do not even exist) but knowing perfectly well that such a tool will be used against the entire population, including you and your child/spouse, because as the saying goes:

            Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely

            Edit: I would be hostile, plain and openly hostile, to such a tech.

            What I was saying is not that. I was saying that it’s not being hostile to a tech to criticize it.

            It’s not because one criticizes something (tech, or whatever) that someone wants that thing to be gone. To criticize something is to consider its merits and faults, that’s all it is. It’s pointing out strengths and weaknesses. It’s not blaming or crying. For example, chemo is a great (tech and) therapy that saves many lives all year long but should it not be constantly criticized in order to make it better than it is? Say, to make it less painful and less destructive (which it is) to the patients being treated by it? Of course, it should. That’s criticism. And that’s why scientists are constantly trying to improve it (and labs too, but then they’re also motivated by increasing their stocks value ;)

            What I’m not saying is that if something can be done (tech, AI, thoughts reading, whatever) that something should be done no question asked and that the rest of us (all of humanity and, in our present situation, the entire ecosystem of our planet) will just have to deal with the consequences and fuck us all. Once again, see my (silly?) thought-reading example.

            I’m saying that it should be discussed. I know it won’t (the perspective of becoming ‘Musk-like’ rich and powerful can seldom be resisted). It never was. It probably never will be. But I still think it should be discussed because we ought to be less stupid than we always have been (stakes are much higher than ever), we ought it if not to ourselves to the next generations. I mean, I would not want to be a 10 or even a 20 year-old today when I see what’s to be expected in the following decades. Heck, for the last 20 years or so my spouse and I were pretty sure we would have passed away long before shit really start hitting the fan, we’re not so sure of that anymore.

            Edit: typos and clarifications.