In my experience, people who complain about the cold can’t handle any temperature other than 70 degrees and complain relentlessly whenever it drifts away from that. You can stay whenever you are, just leaves more Ohio for me.
Pretty sure that’s just the Midwest. I ised to live in Houston and it won’t drop below 92 at any point, day or night, from June to August. This has honestly been the longest cold stretch i can remember in 10 years of living in NW Ohio, but i have honestly loved it.
SE MI checking in. As an added bonus it’s been a lot sunnier than usual the past few weeks. It’s easy enough to bundle up, but our winters tend to be pretty gray.
70 is too cold I prefer 85+ try going to Phoenix on a 70 day every one is wearing jackets I have lived in deserts my entire life and am used to it being over 100 most of the year
As somebody who has had multiple family members move to Florida, I’m totally with you. Also, my spouse is from Florida and his family is no different despite having lived there for decades. They just can’t handle weather.
I lived in Kansas before living here, so I was used to brutally cold winters. I thought everyone complaining about mildly cold weather once I got here was insane. After more than twenty years, I have become fully acclimated to the idea that it’s insane not to prefer more mild weather.
It’s been about a week straight of <20F in my corner of Ohio and i am honestly loving it. I work “downtown” in a cute rural college town and love bundling up in my coat, scarf, and Walleyes hat to get lunch. Midwesterners are just tougher i guess. That’s why we won the civil war
In my experience, people who complain about the cold can’t handle any temperature other than 70 degrees and complain relentlessly whenever it drifts away from that. You can stay whenever you are, just leaves more Ohio for me.
I cant stand above 70, im in the part of ohio with a yearly temp range of -20 f to 115 f. Hate it.
Pretty sure that’s just the Midwest. I ised to live in Houston and it won’t drop below 92 at any point, day or night, from June to August. This has honestly been the longest cold stretch i can remember in 10 years of living in NW Ohio, but i have honestly loved it.
SE MI checking in. As an added bonus it’s been a lot sunnier than usual the past few weeks. It’s easy enough to bundle up, but our winters tend to be pretty gray.
They really are. Everything just feels bleaker once i pass through Toledo. That’s no small feat
70 is too cold I prefer 85+ try going to Phoenix on a 70 day every one is wearing jackets I have lived in deserts my entire life and am used to it being over 100 most of the year
Meanwhile, I feel too hot and sweat profusely at 78.
As somebody who has had multiple family members move to Florida, I’m totally with you. Also, my spouse is from Florida and his family is no different despite having lived there for decades. They just can’t handle weather.
I lived in Kansas before living here, so I was used to brutally cold winters. I thought everyone complaining about mildly cold weather once I got here was insane. After more than twenty years, I have become fully acclimated to the idea that it’s insane not to prefer more mild weather.
It’s been about a week straight of <20F in my corner of Ohio and i am honestly loving it. I work “downtown” in a cute rural college town and love bundling up in my coat, scarf, and Walleyes hat to get lunch. Midwesterners are just tougher i guess. That’s why we won the civil war