I dont disagree that getting paywalled sucks (and won’t make any specific comments about The Atlantic) but the alternative is hypertargeted ads plastering every free pixel of the screen and invasive data-scraping.
It might just be a sign of getting older and managing my finances a bit better, but at this point in my life I don’t really cry much when i see good content put behind a paywall (again, no comments about *The Atlantic).
Paid subscription and you still shove ads at me? Fuck off.
I agree with this sentiment and I have no issue paying for that good shit.
My concern is pay walls it is essentially geared for working audults and with money.
That’s not a good world IMHO.
Not sure how to solve, I guess ads is the price for free. While I hate ads as matter of principle and will pay for not having them. The bigger issue is the tracking that comes with ads and paying for no ads don’t stop the tracking unless you actively do something about it.
Our local library gives a fixed amount for publications. In exchange, everyone in my city gets access to the publications (like our local newspaper) for free as long as we have a library card.
No ads and its been widely successful for everyone involved.
Yeah, that’s a fair point. And I don’t begrudge content creators getting money for their work in general. I was more talking about the fact that some (not necessarily the Atlantic though) hide everything behind paywalls, even when it’s of critical importance to some people’s well-being; or just pay-walling everything without any kind of “n articles are free per month” option. That gets old. Especially for those of us who have been around since web 1.0, when monetization was not the driving force behind information distribution online.
I’m of that generation where the Internet meant that “information needs to be free” but I’ve come around to paying for, aka supporting, (what is IMO) quality journalism and opinion (I’m not necessarily just referring to the Atlantic), especially my local news.
The Atlantic does have two tiers of subscription, one is ad free, it’s worth it for me, I wish there was a way to share those articles with everyone without them paying, but yeah 100% agree on the point about ads (didn’t see your comment and made a very similar one).
I dont disagree that getting paywalled sucks (and won’t make any specific comments about The Atlantic) but the alternative is hypertargeted ads plastering every free pixel of the screen and invasive data-scraping.
It might just be a sign of getting older and managing my finances a bit better, but at this point in my life I don’t really cry much when i see good content put behind a paywall (again, no comments about *The Atlantic).
Paid subscription and you still shove ads at me? Fuck off.
I agree with this sentiment and I have no issue paying for that good shit.
My concern is pay walls it is essentially geared for working audults and with money.
That’s not a good world IMHO.
Not sure how to solve, I guess ads is the price for free. While I hate ads as matter of principle and will pay for not having them. The bigger issue is the tracking that comes with ads and paying for no ads don’t stop the tracking unless you actively do something about it.
Our local library gives a fixed amount for publications. In exchange, everyone in my city gets access to the publications (like our local newspaper) for free as long as we have a library card.
No ads and its been widely successful for everyone involved.
Yeah, that’s a fair point. And I don’t begrudge content creators getting money for their work in general. I was more talking about the fact that some (not necessarily the Atlantic though) hide everything behind paywalls, even when it’s of critical importance to some people’s well-being; or just pay-walling everything without any kind of “n articles are free per month” option. That gets old. Especially for those of us who have been around since web 1.0, when monetization was not the driving force behind information distribution online.
I’m of that generation where the Internet meant that “information needs to be free” but I’ve come around to paying for, aka supporting, (what is IMO) quality journalism and opinion (I’m not necessarily just referring to the Atlantic), especially my local news.
Or the alternative could be to make it freely available and ask for donations. Its a system that has been proven to work for all kinds of conent
I’ll make some specific comments.
The Atlantic does have two tiers of subscription, one is ad free, it’s worth it for me, I wish there was a way to share those articles with everyone without them paying, but yeah 100% agree on the point about ads (didn’t see your comment and made a very similar one).