Hello Linux Gurus,

I am seeking divine inspiration.

I don’t understand the apparent lack of hypervisor-based kernel protections in desktop Linux. It seems there is a significant opportunity for improvement beyond the basics of KASLR, stack canaries, and shadow stacks. However, I don’t see much work in this area on Linux desktop, and people who are much smarter than me develop for the kernel every day yet have not seen fit to produce some specific advanced protections at this time that I get into below. Where is the gap in my understanding? Is this task so difficult or costly that the open source community cannot afford it?

Windows PCs, recent Macs, iPhones, and a few Android vendors such as Samsung run their kernels atop a hypervisor. This design permits introspection and enforcement of security invariants from outside or underneath the kernel. Common mitigations include protection of critical data structures such as page table entries, function pointers, or SELinux decisions to raise the bar on injecting kernel code. Hypervisor-enforced kernel integrity appears to be a popular and at least somewhat effective mitigation although it doesn’t appear to be common on desktop Linux despite its popularity with other OSs.

Meanwhile, in the desktop Linux world, users are lucky if a distribution even implements secure boot and offers signed kernels. Popular software packages often require short-circuiting this mechanism so the user can build and install kernel modules, such as NVidia and VirtualBox drivers. SELinux is uncommon, ergo root access is more or less equivalent to the kernel privileges including introduction of arbitrary code into the kernel on most installations. TPM-based disk encryption is only officially supported experimentally by Ubuntu and is usually linked to secure boot, while users are largely on their own elsewhere. Taken together, this feels like a missed opportunity to implement additional defense-in-depth.

It’s easy to put code in the kernel. I can do it in a couple of minutes for a “hello world” module. It’s really cool that I can do this, but is it a good idea? Shouldn’t somebody try and stop me?

Please insert your unsigned modules into my brain-kernel. What have I failed to understand, or why is this the design of the kernel today? Is it an intentional omission? Is it somehow contrary to the desktop Linux ethos?

  • just_another_person@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    You have absolutely zero clue what in the world you are talking about 😂😂😂😂

    You’re commenting as if there is a difference between a “desktop” and “server” install, when in practicality there is none. It’s not Windows with different tiered builds by price. 😭

    • Blaster M@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Incorrect. The difference is not that there’s a server edition or desktop edition (which for many linux distros, there very much are server and desktop editions, even if the only difference is which packages are installed by default), but that when you properly setup a server with internet-exposed services, you usually are smart enough, have gone to school for this, learned from experience, or all of the above, how to secure a linux system for server use, and should have a configuration setup that would be inconvenient at best for a desktop, but is more secure for the purpose of a server. In addition, when running a server, you stick to what you need, you don’t arbitrarily download stuff onto a server, as that could break your live service(s) if something goes wrong.

      The average desktop user does not have any of that experience or knowledge to lock down their system like ft knox, nor do they have the willpower to resist clicking on / downloading and running what they shouldn’t, so if most of everyone stopped using Windows and jumped to Linux, you would see a lot more serious issues than the occasional halfass attempt at linux malware.

      • just_another_person@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        OP is talking about hypervisor security, and now you’re off on a tangent about package and configuration management to try and prove a faulty point…what in the world.

        • Blaster M@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          If hypervisor security is an addon I can add via a suite of packages, okay. But, I don’t see that. Besides, OP is asking about why it isn’t part of the system natively. What’s the fault in the point?