In order is Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, German, Netherlands, UK, Canada, Belgium, France, US, Japan, Australia, with Norway so far ahead they have a different font color.

    1 month ago

    We’re across the water from you in the UK. I understand your predicament and agree on the ick factor, but your country has chosen the lesser of two evils.

    The amount of oil and gas coming in to the UK is declining, but it is still a vast volume - and since the 1970s, it has seen billions (maybe trillions or another scale higher?) of pounds worth flow through the UK.

    The problem is, it goes through the UK, and doesn’t stop here.

    Aberdeen, Hull, Milford Haven, Norwich… all towns that have seen money that is exponentially times larger than their tax incomes flow through, and all of which have little to show for it. It’s made us look like mugs, and all the money has flowed out to the US, the middle east, or other firms based in rando countries for tax reasons shareholder benefits.

    The Norway model with their sovereign wealth fund may be ethically questionable, but fuck me I personally wished we followed your lead in the 70s while we had the chance.